Don’t you dare touch that piece of art! Go find an actual Cyber Truck to shoot up!
Don’t you dare touch that piece of art! Go find an actual Cyber Truck to shoot up!
Mkst frustrating I had experienced first hand was when I worked at a small, family owned grocery store. There was a cooled bunker display of grated parmasean cheese that was packaged in-house. One day I found a half-melted Carvel ice cream cake on top of the cheese containers. The frozen Carvel bunker was literally immediately behind the cheese. Someone took an ice cream cake out, turned around, decides they didn’t want the cake, and placed it on a slightly-cooler-than-room-temperature display when they were equally close to putting it back where it came from…
Doesn’t that imply it isn’t a core feature from the perspective of the devs? If they haven’t enhanced it by now, I wouldn’t expect them to going forward. For what it’s worth, the lackluster space combat is my biggest gripe with the game, but I just don’t play NMS when I’m looking for a space dogfight then.
That would probably make it more interesting for many, but it was never meant to be a combat focused game so it makes sense that they haven’t added it.
That honestly sounds like a bad deal. Before recently replacing it, I had a $35 dollar mouse that lasted through 12 years of heavy gaming. Either you are inhumanly rough on your mice, or you might want to spend a little bit more for something quality.
Wish I could upvote this twice
Agreed. Undercover DEA agent busting up a drug ring (regardless of debate about what drugs should be legalized) is a bit different from a task force suppressing political opposition through imprisonment and "accidents ". Though I’m wondering if the gap with decrease over the next four years…
The climate will eventually bounce back. Humanity and many animal species likely won’t be around to see that happen, though
Except, this measure won’t result in that at all. Punishing companies for importing is only going to punish consumers. The company wants it for as cheap as possible, and that will often be importing. Even ifbit becomes expensive to import, it will be cheaper than the capital needed to set up the infrastructure for manufacturing domestically. Rewarding companies for sourcing materials and labor domestically will incentivize them to bring jobs here. At least more so than making them pay more to bring it in.
Ads and subscription aside, any time there is a feature I like on YouTube, they remove it or change it. More often than not when they add a new feature, it makes the experience worse for me.
I understand they need to make money. I’m willing to sit through ads or pay a subscription for that. But the ads are constantly getting worse. Mid-roll ad breaks that are auto-generated into the video (for older videos, content creators would have to go through their library to manually change them, from what I understand). A push for censoring content to avoid demonetisation, even content not intended for children.
Yes, part of it is that I got used to YouTube in its early days when it was operating at a loss. When it was a wild west of content creation. But it just feels like it has become so unfriendly to users and content creators alike. It has become corporate and sterile, while trying to squeeze in revenue everywhere it can. (Likely to barely break even, sure, but they don’t have to make it crap to use to do that.)
But, hopefully, they won’t fall in line behind a single successor and instead splinter into a bunch of smaller, competing factions.
Not in the USA, but Ireland has a dairy farm along a coast I’m sure.
Though you’ve lost me there, I don’t care for milk fresh or otherwise.
Yeah, New Jersey would like to have a word
Don’t even need XKCD for it. The monster self proclaims himself as Victor Frankenstein’s son, giving himself the Frankenstein surname and in another part is referred to as the new Adam. Adam Frankenstein is his name.
I’m pretty sure the majority of people mourning the loss of democracy aren’t saying it because they feel the democratic process was broken this election, rather they say it because Dump vowed to dismantle democracy and serve as a dictator.
“I need to do my own research”
I never said it needed to. In fact, I almost added into my comment “if we valued the community enough to operate at a loss” but didn’t think it was necessary.
Work at a tech store; the technicians that build the PCs for customers recently tried building with the new Core Ultra 7 256K. Two processors were dead or unstable right out of thr box. Tried with known good RAM, two different cpus on two different motherboards. It seems that Intel hasn’t really fixed their stability issue, which should be their first concern.
Public transport could do something for him if it was invested in more and we valued the community enough to provide better senior transport options.
Counterpoint: I anticipate this would cause an over-saturation of the indie film space with poorly made AI generated films and scripts from people attempting to capitalize on the new technology, and further creating a schism with the rest of the art community as generative AI continues to train on other artists artworks and films.
I think it is a cool tool to be added to the repertoire of creatives. I think it may create some very interesting pieces, in time. I agree Hollywood needs some good competition. I don’t think AI is going to generate that kuch additional creativity, and if the number of super heroes movies is bad when it takes so much work, effort, time, and money to make a feature length film without AI, just wait until the next big fad takes off and see how much AI contributes to adding even more to the pile.