I did nothing and I’m all out of ideas!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • So, I can’t install aur packages via pacman?

    Nope, you have to do it manually or using an helper that abstracts the manual work away.

    AUR packages, or to be more precise the PKGBUILD files, are recipes to compile or download stuff outside from the official repositories, manage their deps and installing them on the system.

    You should always only run PKGBUILD files that you trust, they can do basically anything on your system. Checking the comments of the package in the aur repo is a good practice too.

    Also Are you quoting certain nExT gEn gAmE guy?


  • Also in wiki they didn’t mention anything about OpenSSL?

    Sorry, that was my bad, I wrote OpenSSL instead of openvpn. That one is probably needed too, but you should not have to pull it manually.

    Generally speaking the ArchWiki is one of the best, more structured and well maintained source of information about Linux things even for other distros, but it can too be outdated, so you should always check if the info is valid. In this case it seems so.

    In theory you should be able to just install proton-vpn-gtk-app using one of the many AUR helpers and it should Just Work™. Paru and yay are the most commonly used ones - as far as I know - and they wrap around pacman too, so you can use them to do everything packages related. Usually Arch related distro use one of them, for example EndeavourOS have yay already installed.

    At worst when you try to start protonvpn the GUI will not appear or immediately crash: if that happens, usually, you can try and run the program from the Shell and see what kind of error it returns and work your way from there. Checking if the deps listed in the wiki are installed is always a great first step.

  • Reading rorschac’s comment I assume both OpenSSL and wireguard are already installed on CachyOS, or anyway pulled by the aur package.

    If you want to make sure you can install them explicitly before protonvpn:

    paru openvpn wireguard-tools

    or using yay or the vanilla pacman -Syu --needed openvpn wireguard-tools (it will sync and update the system too) or how it is suggested for CachyOS to install packages. I repeat I’ve no direct experience with that one.

    If you are scared to mess things up you can always spin up a VM with CachyOS and try to install it inside that. If it all works you can then do the same on your main OS.

    As a general advice, only run in your shell commands that you are sure about.

  • Mechanize@feddit.ittomemes@lemmy.world🤖.🌎
    28 days ago

    Considering you seem to dislike the whole concept of Bots, isn’t the Bot toggle in the Lemmy profile exactly what you want?

    It auto ignores all posts and comments made by accounts marked as Bots. Sure, the owner of the account has to correctly mark it, but I feel that can easily be solved by reporting unmarked bots.

    But I’m interested, if you would like to expand on it, how would you make a bot opt-in?
    The only way I could think of is through PMs, but that would be cumbersome, and generally unfit for purpose, for all the involved parties.

  • While she has not been named in the police statement about the arrest, it is believed to be Bonnie Spofforth

    This, I don’t like. If you - the newspaper, the means of information - are not sure about a name you should really refrain from using it.

    It would be not the first time people get their lives ruined by some careless journalist because of a namesake or just an error.

    It’s not that different from “spreading rumors”.

    That aside, in this case, it is probably a rumor from an inside source. Still. Not a fan.

  • The Heroic Games Launcher is (IMHO) by far the best interface to gog you can have on linux.

    You can find it on the AUR if you use arch, which makes it pretty straightforward to install.

    The next version will integrate with the Galaxy API using the comet project, which should make it even better.

    The only problem I had with it is that, once upon a time, there was a bug with downloading some games (Cyberpunk 2077, in my case) and I had to compile the git version of Gog-dl and target that in the settings… but the fact I could even do that is great by itself.

  • I understand your will for a clear cut, it is natural and sometimes a great thing to do to avoid burning out, but please consider it thoroughly before nuking it all.

    Just in case you’ll find yourself regretting it in a while. You did a great job with this app and it was a wonderful accomplishment for a single person, don’t let some people sour this for you.

    And, to be clear, I’m not talking about discontinuing the project: that’s an healthy decision if it does not bring you satisfaction but only grief; I’m talking about deleting the community and your account, because you can always just don’t use them/archive them, giving yourself the ability to change idea if you ever would want to do it.

    Just don’t decide by impulse driven by negative emotions. There’s always time to delete everything.

  • Grazie della testimonianza!

    È interessante quello che dici sui cantieri per l’espansione dei servizi di trasporto pubblico. Senza dubbio è molto probabile che alla fine saranno quelli a dare una maggiore botta all’utilizzo dell’auto, specialmente per i più giovani e quelli con una tratta giornaliera fissa che - potessero - son certo preferirebbero 150/200 € all’anno d’abbonamenti contro le migliaia per l’acquisto e la gestione di una vettura.

    L’unica cosa sono i parcheggi: alla fine spesso la loro mancanza cronica è una scelta conscia, come i sensi unici labirintici: è il tentare di rendere il più scomodo possibile l’uso dell’auto per favorire le alternative.

    Problema è che spesso iniziano i lavori per le dissuasioni (costo una tantum) e poi però non continuano quelli per creare le alternative pubbliche (costi ricorrenti sul budget)! E ci troviamo città schizofreniche che non sanno cosa vogliono esser.

    Ma ora sto divagando.

    Più ciclabili, sicure, sarebbero sicuramente un sogno, a prescindere.

  • Alcuni estratti

    Nel periodo di riferimento la Polizia locale di Bologna ha rilevato

    157 incidenti in meno: 1.299 rispetto ai 1.456 di media del 2022-2023, una riduzione dell’11 per cento.

    Le persone morte a causa di incidenti stradali in città sono state 5 rispetto alla media di 7,5 del periodo precedente

    gli incidenti con persone ferite, il Comune ha rilevato una riduzione dell’11,7 per cento

    gli incidenti senza feriti si sono ridotti del 14 per cento circa.

    Le persone in prognosi riservata a causa di un incidente stradale sono invece aumentate di quasi il 67 per cento

    Gli incidenti che hanno riguardato persone a piedi si sono ridotti dell’8 per cento

    quelli che hanno coinvolto ciclisti sono aumentati del 14 per cento circa

    aumento del 12 per cento di ciclisti e del 92 per cento dell’utilizzo dei sistemi di bike sharing.

    biossido di azoto. È stata rilevata una riduzione del 23 per cento di questa sostanza rispetto alla media dello stesso periodo nel 2022 e nel 2023

    Personalmente non mi pare un grande successo né una grande perdita.

    Più dei numeri che trovano un po’ il tempo che trovano, sarebbe interessante capire come è cambiata la vita di chi abita lì. Se è cambiata, e, oltre al rumore ed alla propaganda, se c’è stata una vera differenza.

    In questo genere di ‘riforme’ spesso è più importante la percezione di vivere meglio (o peggio), che la realtà dei numeri.