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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • It’s asking for the ability to take screenshots, which is definitely suspicious unless there’s an in-app screenshot feature, and for the ability to launch discord and interact with it. The thing is it’ll be interacting using your discord account, I expect. That means it’ll be able to see your conversations and all the servers you’re in. It’ll also be able to post as you. Again, that’s the sort of thing which is very suspicious unless there’s some way in the app to have conversations over discord for some reason (maybe a bug report button, or a social feature).

    Basically, I’d consider both of these alarming but not necessarily evidence that they’re spying on you to collect personal data or training data for an AI

  • The vast majority of people celebrating the death of the United Healthcare CEO would have been perfectly happy with him being stripped of power and imprisoned, but that wasn’t ever an option so the only thing available is death. There’s also some evidence that his death has actually made a difference, in the form of other health insurance companies chickening out of unethical policy changes.

    In the case of these prisoners, they’re already safely behind bars. It’s also, broadly speaking, much more likely that they aren’t guilty of what they’ve been convicted of (although I don’t know anything about these particular cases). We also have evidence that the death penalty doesn’t have the effect on crime rates which proponents claim it does, so it’s different in a whole bunch of ways

  • Do you imagine that everyone posting things like this just hasn’t thought it through, or that they believe killing that CEO will save any specific person?

    If so, I think you’ve misunderstood something quite fundamental. The overwhelming majority who are celebrating this assassination are doing so because they hate that CEO and everything he stood for.

    You don’t get to brush them off as idiots for failing to realise something you consider obvious when you’re the one who seems to be missing the point.

    Beside which, if you interpret this business with the other insurer suddenly cancelling their plans to limit what they’ll pay for anesthesia as suddenly fear of reprisal then this assassination will absolutely save lives in the long run, and save others from life-long financial ruin

  • No, it couldn’t. That’s pure misinformation.

    Kessler syndrome is only a possibility in orbits high enough that atmospheric drag is negligible. Starlink, by design, is at an altitude where the atmosphere is still thick enough to bring any debris or old satellites down to earth in a timely fashion rather than building up like Kessler syndrome requires. (To be clear, the air is still so thin that you’d need sensitive instruments to detect it at all. It’s just enough to produce a tiny amount of drag, which adds up over weeks or months to lower the debris’ orbit so that it meets thicker air)

    There are plenty of perfectly legitimate objections you can raise to starlink without resorting to Kessler syndrome

  • They will have some kind of pressure relief valve, to let steam out and prevent an explosion. They only become dangerous if that valve isn’t working (assuming that whatever keeps the lid on is intact and still strong).

    Look for damage around the seal between the pot and the lid, and look for damage to the clamp or latch which holds the lid down against that seal.

    Then look at the valve. It’ll probably be a heavy object (such as a lump of metal) which sits on top of a hole of some sort, or it could possibly be something spring loaded. Either way, check that it moves freely.

    After that the only additional thing you could do is a pressure test, where you basically deliberately overpressurise it and see if it explodes, but if you had the means to do that safely then you wouldn’t be asking for advice here so I don’t recommend it.