Maoo [none/use name]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Free speech has never existed in the form told to us in school and on TV. Every liberation fight has faced violent state reaction and required compensatory resistance on the part of the people actively fighting the system. There has never been a turnaround on marginalizing policy that happened due to peaceful, state-protected debate in the marketplace of ideas. It’s all been precipitated by hard fights that inevitably found enemies in the cops and the feds.

    This applies to every Western country, especially those most desperate to cling to their chauvinist myths.

    If you know this, you can protect yourself and others by knowing what response your actions will receive and therefore how to avoid unnecessary risks.

  • I recommend installing a Linux distribution that requires a hands-in approach like Gentoo or Linux from scratch. If you don’t have an extra computer you can do it on a virtual machine on the computer you do have.

    The process will require you to use the various incantations and rituals of using the terminal. As you do so, learn what they do by googling them or using their man page.

    For more practice, write a shell script or otherwise choose a task you want to do using the terminal like browsing through your files or searching for a file whose name matches a pattern and so on.

  • Congratulations! Reddit is mostly terrible.

    If you want to participate in some niche communities I can understand wanting a new account. Most likely they’re tracing you through these things, with the first ones being more likely:

    • Email address (hopefully you’re using different ones but this is an easy way for them to associate accounts).

    • IP address.

    • Browser or phone fingerprinting.

    For your IP address you can just try to get a new one. Sometimes restarting your modem will do that. Ask Google what your IP address is before and after.

    For browser fingerprinting, I’d just clear the cache and that’s probably enough. Alternatively just use a different browser for Reddit for a while.

    For app fingerprinting that’s a bit harder and I’d say to just not use the official Reddit app if that’s what you were doing before.