Just a cat wandering about Tamriel.

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2024

  • If I were the EU I would lock trump out of everything. Stop giving him that level of respect. That is what he is craves, the spotlight to wag his “power” like a dog dragging his ass on the carpet. Start having meetings with Ukraine without trump, if putin wants to treat let him come to the fucking Hague for a sit down. Pass some sort of special resolution to allow immediate entry for Ukraine into the EU as soon as the war is over. I would increase military production to equal that of the US and feed Ukraine the means to defend itself without the US. I would ban all US based social media and anything resembling the tech bro propaganda machines used to sway and interfere with your free elections.

    I know this is not going to happen but that’s what I would do if I were the EU.

  • Not a mistake but a fun reminder that the terminal can be a very fun place!

     fortune | cowsay -f stimpy
    / Poverty Jet Set:                        \
    |                                         |
    | A group of people given to chronic      |
    | traveling at the expense of long-term   |
    | job stability or a permanent residence. |
    | Tend to have doomed and extremely       |
    | expensive phone-call relationships with |
    | people named Serge or Ilyana. Tend to   |
    | discuss frequent-flyer programs at      |
    | parties.                                |
    |                                         |
    | -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X:     |
    | Tales for an Accelerated                |
    |                                         |
    \ Culture"                                /
      \     .    _  .    
       \    |\_|/__/|    
           / / \/ \  \  
          /__|O||O|__ \ 
         |/_ \_/\_/ _\ |  
         | | (____) | ||  
         \/\___/\__/  // 
         (_/         ||
          |          ||
          |          ||\   
           \        //_/  
           __ || __||

  • Remember back in the day when you could get apple users emails through a simple number incrimination in i believe the app store website?

    The documentary The Hacker Wars highlighted the issue and if i remember weev went to jail for it. I probably need to rewatch it again.

    Also if people are interested in that kind of documentary The Internet’s Own Boy is a heartbreakingly excellent story of what the US put Arron Schwartz through.

  • That’s exactly how I think of it, Americans are the peoples of the America’s, North, Central and South. The people in the US should not hold a monopoly on that name as it somehow infers that the rest of the Americas are somehow less American and their just not. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong as i grew up in the US and we regularly refer to ourselves as american and the rest of the America’s just don’t do that because of our cultural and linguistic differences. Maybe more a remnant of imperialism than a quark of the english language.

  • So you went to the game, clicked on the gamepad icon on the bottom right of the game banner and selected enable steam input? Then selected a controller layout? I think its a little strange steam makes you do this per game as well as its general desktop setting.

    Also did you try from a live usb environment? That was good advice as it could be something you/mimt installed after setup. Also you did do a checksum of your ISO before you burnt your install medium?

    And there is no strange errors when starting steam from a terminal and running your game?

    And you tried the steam beta?

    If you have done all that might consider filing a bug report on steam.

    Sometimes its worth waiting a few days for an update, might sort itself out.