Restaurants are gonna go to shit. Any place worth it’s salt always have mexican music blastin from the kitchen.
Better not bump into this guy, he’d probably submit a tip to ICE just to feel safer.
I’m like, 78% sure that’s Bruce.
Unless you are implying that Clark will be watching and listening from literally anywhere? In which case, ya defos
That’s a weird take my dude. His genocidal right wing has his coalition and grip on power by the balls. That’s what he cares about, not Iran’s shit talk.
It’s not gonna hold. They are going to finish their genocide in the next 4 years with US tax dollars backing it up. Then they gonna spend the next 20 years denying it was genocide. After that, we’ll have a Palestinian Genocide Memorial Day.
Grow weed on my apartment building’s roof.
Furries, clowns, and cowboys. Classic combination.
The pineapple vase is a good touch.
Left wing murderers aim for the rich, right wing murderers aim for the people. Show me the left wing serial killer aiming for fox news indoctrinated neonazis, and we might feel differently.
I am sad to report that I’ve only had 4 of these.
Mine loves tedious dexterity tests. She’ll lattice the fuck out of a pie or make picturesque dumpling frills and enjoy every second of it.
P. S. I suddenly don’t feel moist enough
In Japan, KFC is high class tempura
Demonization of corporate executives is not new
JFC, these executives are already ghouls, why do they need to demonize more?
I’ve learned that it first came about as an explicit feature around 2006, I was not awake as a proper human at this point.
Regarding the privacy concerns.
Just now, my friend used her google photos AI to search for photos of me and my dead cat using my name.
I’ve come to accept that my information is readily available and that I am but a humble fish apart of a school surrounded by sharks, playing a numbers game for survival.
France suggested they might nut up and make an arrest given the opportunity, but I highly doubt it.
If within the past 2 years is recent, I rewatched DB, DBZ, DBS, and all the movies. I’m properly watching DB:GT for the first time now.
I’m so happy that it’s Science Saru that’s animating this. I’ve been a big fan of Masaaki Yuasa ever since Lu Over the Wall. It’s crazy how much quality he’s put out since 2017.
Finally, some high quality representation in media
My note10+ is old and will die. But I refuse to have a phone with AI and without an SD card.
I feel like my only option compatible with Verizon is the Motorola Stylus