I mean, arguably, conditions permitting, you don’t necessarily need to be an actual, full fledged member of anything to participate. But in any case, yes, please do, we need new blood.
I mean, arguably, conditions permitting, you don’t necessarily need to be an actual, full fledged member of anything to participate. But in any case, yes, please do, we need new blood.
And here I thought kanji compounds made no sense because they were adapted from Chinese with little regard to their meaning but apparently hanzi are just as wild.
Why does this look and sound exactly like clickbait?
Soziophobe wie ich wollen den Text genau lesen, überlegen, ob sie angerufen werden wollen, und entsprechend anpassen.
She IS very good at masking her depravity.
Nobody will be able to tell you anything of value about this. We all react differently to medication, so there’s no way around trying it to see what it does for you.
Monster fucker. #FlutterCord
My fellow Spirk shippers have so many alleged (and usually unsourced) quotes by Gene about how he definitely was at least okay with the concept, if not actively worked it in, I wonder if he ever spoke about anything else at all.
How does one go from “we’re funny riffing on this movie” to “we should do a podcast” instead of “we should do a rifftrax”?
I’m pretty sure they used to do this, at least a hundred years ago, way back when companies first realised that there’s endless free real estate for adverts on the internet. Always wondered why they stopped.
I speak languages that differentiate between “t” and “d”.
You know how people often assume someone is trolling, simply because their account is new?
Another reason would be to not have a billion dead accounts on servers.
When I first considered signing up (I think it was on Mastodon), I was told how very easy it would be to move from one instance to another so it wouldn’t matter where I sign up - so I chose the first server that caught my eye. It was also implied that I’d need exactly one login for the entire Fediverse.
In hindsight, I’m okay with this not being true but it was a disappointment. At least moving servers (while taking your history with you) should be a lot easier if we’re trying to avoid big instances becoming bigger.
If fucking only. The amount of stuff that really was only two clicks away twenty, ten, even five years ago and is just gone now is staggering. Backup your shit.
Ich hab’s auch nich mitgekriegt und sekundiere die Frage.
Almost as if what’s in the photo, for all we know, might be strawberry mush.
The original original post.
Unrelated to the topic: news media used to get someone to translate their shit for them so there wouldn’t be ambiguity about what the source says. I fucking hate that it’s now okay to rely on machine translation and hope for the best. I will not credit them here for noticing that something wasn’t entirely clear in their translation, that’s the bare minimum.