• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • You mean cheaper and worse, there are little to no regulations and if there are any, inspectors are paid off as China is corrupt AF. and the cheaper part is because the general factory workers are kept extremity poor to uphold the cheap labor, next to the Uyghurs in concentration camps who are forced to work for free. There are no rights or regulations for factory workers, so no protective clothing or gear, no safe work environment, while working with extremity toxic materials as those are cheaper then the safer alternatives. Working 12 to 16 hours per day, as young as 8 years old, 6 to 7 days a week, no sick days, no holidays. There is no quality control. There is media control, so every online post of a spontaneously combusted EV, which are maaaaany, is removed.

    So you confuse quality with quantity. Yeah, it’s cheaper. But at what cost. Not just the lives of the Chinese workers, those toxins are also in the products we use.

  • Many don’t know about usenet. When you only download using torrents and don’t know anything else, you might look into it after reading something about it here. It’s how I found sonarr and radarr, by reading about it on reddit.

    About the speed: Oh, that’s such a difference. I download with roughly 100MB/s constantly, which is the max write speed of my drives (1000mb/s connection). I’ve never reached anything like that with torrents.

    New movie? Sure. Let’s download the 46GB version. 10min later and it’s downloaded, extracted, renamed, put in the right folder, added to Kodi ready to watch, including subtitles.

    To me usenet is a no-brainer.

  • Both downloading and uploading is illegal in most places, even downloading became illegal here in the Netherlands a few years ago. But searching for someone downloading a movie is dumb, you would want to catch the uploader so there won’t be anything to download anymore. The Dutch company Brein actively searches for uploaders and fines them on contract from creators, labels and studios. They do this together with the Dutch police and police from other nationalities. They don’t care if you have ip TV, they do care if you host ip TV. They don’t care if you download, they do care if you upload. With torrents you also upload, so they want to fine you if able. Due to privacy laws in The Netherlands this isn’t possible yet, but in Germany it’s a standard practice as ISP’s are forces to share user information.

  • Yeah fair enough, but that’s why they run idle instead of off when not in use, right? At least my NAS optimizes the lifespan of my drives while at the same time preserves power by keeping them running idle when not in use AFAIK. As soon as I access data I hear the drives spinning harder. My pc runs on SSD’s as it is off during the night and downloading to SSD storage means rewriting bits all the time which wears SSD storage down, unlike with HDD’s. So my NAS runs sonarr and radarr and automatically downloads everything by itself, directly to HDD’s. But those HDD’s are idle when I’m not downloading, because I’m not uploading because I don’t use torrents.

    But please correct me if I’m wrong. I’d love to improve my setup and the life span of my drives.

  • I have very deep connections with my friends. Not something you just make with anyone new. We’ve been through so much together. We’re there for each other through better and through worse. Even though my life is horrible and I’m completely fucked up and broken, I feel rich with the friendships I have, as not many people can say they have as many friends as I have, with the deep connections my friends and I share.

    Now I don’t work anymore, I’m struggling to survive with PTSD due to military deployment (which is an organisation which goes against everything what I stand for, but somehow I ended up there, stuck for 15 years. I’m an anarchist, can you believe it?), together with autism, depression and apparently a personality disorder, highly likely some ADHD, which is a perfect cocktail to make everything untreatable and worse.

    But now I have time to see my friends again, who support me, and who I can support so I can feel a purpose in life again.

    Sorry for making this extremity heavy all of a sudden, but I felt I needed to explain why I would never trade any of my friends for anything in the world.

  • “I lied and was wrong but I’m not to blame. It’s the person who tells on me who is to blame. If they didn’t tell on me, non of this would have happened as people wouldn’t have known I lied”.

    It’s a typical sociopathic way of thinking you aren’t to blame but instead the person who punishes you / calls you out is. Like, when you robbed a bank, you blame the police for being locked up, not yourself for committing the crime.

    Remember: A former president, a current presidential candidate, is unable to take responsibility and accountability for any of his actions. Do you really want someone like that to have control over one of the biggest countries, controlling thousands of nuclear weapons and the mightiest military, while constantly acting in favor of Putin, a dictator and enemy of NATO? Like, the stupidity of this all makes everyone in the movie Idiocracy look smart.

  • I used to love this. Arrive at work around 06h (getting up at 4:30, 1h drive), do loads of work without noise or people bothering me. Downside was I would go to bed around 21h so my social life was shit as most of my friends work until late and are down to chill from around 20h. Even during weekends this day-night cycle meant my social life was shit. Also my colleagues never saw me starting work so early, so they would always look angry and I would always have to defend myself when leaving early every day. But I could do a week’s work in a single day this way and I could enjoy the day during sunlight when I got home making me feel less stressed by work in general. It didn’t feel like my daily life consisted of being a work slave, more like I had something useful to do in the first half of the day and loads of time to relax, be creative and active the other half.

  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldMiss me with that low bitrate
    3 days ago

    Because paying for usenet means paying for privacy rights. Next to that, law enforcements are actively hunting uploaders, not downloaders. Usenet is much faster. Constant uploading is less energy efficient as it requires more pc power (especially when uploading loads of data) so it costs you more power, slows your pc, keeps your hard drives actively running which wears them down (as I imagine you don’t have 32TB in SSD). With torrents you need to keep them uploading to get ratio on the closed community sites, so it takes up much more drive capacity. On open sites you get loads of viruses and other junk. I use my upload speed for friends to stream the content from my NAS instead. I got free vpn with my usenet account, for the price of a vpn account so I pay as much as you downloading torrents, if not less, assuming you’re smart enough to have a paid vpn subscription. And this vpn is on top of SSL for extra privacy.

    Usenet is better in so many ways.

  • Clearly you have no clue of what has been going on the past 100 years over there and your sources of information are clearly propaganda as your statements are false.

    If Jews had, en masse, instituted a pogrom of Germans then the camps would have been justified.

    You claim there is a justifiable reason to have concentration camps. Because of people like you, concentration camps have been able to exist. Have you ever been to one? I have, to several including Auschwitz. I believe you are a danger to society, I hope you will never hold any position of power.

    You support and justify crimes against humanity so there is no reason for me to continue this conversation any longer.

  • How could apartheid be an overreaction to that?

    Apartheid has been going on for years and years now. Just like the rest of the oppression and locking people in a closed off ghetto. Its not a reaction to Oct7. Oct7 is a reaction to apartheid (which was a terrorist act which I condemn).

    But besides that, you argue that racism, stripping people of their human rights and identity for an entire group of people is fine when a small group of terrorists commit a terrorist attack?

    Crimes against humanity are never fine. No matter what happened. When a few commit a terrorist act, or do whatever horrible thing possible, that still shouldn’t justify to become a monster yourself in general, but especially not to thousands of innocent civilians.

    The reasoning of “yeah but look what they did” was the reason nazi Germany justified deporting jews to Auschwitz. It’s the reason why the US invaded and completely wrecked Afghanistan. It’s the reason Russia invaded Ukraine and defends it’s war crimes. It’s the reason for the ethnic cleansing by Israel and why they refuse to cease fire.

    Never justify horrible acts like war crimes and crimes against humanity by saying “but look what they did” because crimes against humanity and war crimes do not have an asterisk or ammendment saying “except when-”.

  • You’re calling the opposition of an extreme nationalistic state nazis.

    But post October 7, it’s hard to argue they’re overreacting to it.

    Apartheid isn’t overreacting? Enclosing millions in a ghetto, limiting their food, water and electricity is not against human rights? Constantly stealing land is just fine? Stripping people of their rights is just? Torture is good for the right cause? Financing a terrorist organisation like Hamas to continue crimes against humanity isn’t wrong?

    Except for the concentration camps, they do everything exactly as nazi Germany did. Putting everyone in ghettos, stripping them of their rights, denying them in shops and public places, steal everything from them, torturing them, falsely imprison them without cause or trial, etc. But instead of concentration camps they bomb schools, hospitals, aid workers, refugee camps. They cut them off from drinking water, food transports, electricity. When you find Israel just in their crimes against humanity, during and/or before the war, you’re no better then Hitler himself.

    Please note I’m not pro Hamas. They are terrorists. But they are a product of the years and years of oppression, apartheid and humanitarian crisis created by the Israeli state.

    There is no right or wrong here. There is only wrong and millions of innocent civilians (on both sides but mostly on the Palistinian side).