I’m just here for the free vacation.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • No. I did that once (as a middle class person too proud to accept daddy’s help) and it was fucking awful. I lasted 8 months before I had to consult Bank of Dad, which I’m pretty impressed by, but everything about it sucked. I would steal loaves of bread from bakeries at 4am, as they’d leave them outside to cool. I’d go to late night chippies and make up stories about being on a great adventure for charity so they’d give me free chips, I’d buy my clothes from a market that sold soiled and ripped clothing donated from fast fashion stores, and I’d hand sew them back to acceptability so I could wear them. We’d dumpster dive, forage, and beg, and it still wasn’t enough. Rent started going on credit cards, I discovered new addictions I couldn’t afford just to cope with the pain of no heating, shitty food, and a general feeling of desperation. And I had a fucking safety net, I was nowhere near the suffering of most people at this kind of poverty line.

    Elon is a rich prick. I got a momentary taste of poverty and it was fucking awful. He would have caved in a day.

  • Actually I use it as a starting point for fungi. Seek will usually get me to the genus, and from there I can cross reference various books to narrow it down. Hell, sometimes it’ll give me an exact match, and then I just have to perform a yes or no ID with my field guides. That being said, I mostly end up with no, I’m shit scared of all amanitas and most mushrooms just aren’t tasty enough to warrant the effort.

  • Airbnb is expensive. It also is often awkward, I always seem to get places where the owner wants to give me a tour of the place when I show up. Checkout time is always a massive stress, trying to figure out where the outside bin is, how to start the dishwasher, and remembering to return all the furniture to it’s original position, lest we break a rule and lose our deposit. You don’t get mini bars or room service or daily housekeeping, and you have no idea if the host is secretly keeping tabs on you somehow. It’s just so much more work to stay at an Airbnb than a hotel, with none of the cost benefits as a trade off.

    The other week we stayed at a Hilton and I checked in and out without speaking to a soul (via the app). It’s a no brainer at this point.

  • Lenny@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldBe kind to the old fellows
    1 month ago

    And the non kitten fellows! We wanted a third cat after adopting two kittens years ago. We were so over the erratic nature combined with the roll the dice luck of whether they were floor pissers, plant eaters, etc, so we decided to look for adult cats. The only one the shelter had was this mongy manky stray who was estimated to be 5 years old. When we went in the adoption room with her, she looked at us and did a massive wet shit that made us all evacuate the room. Her adoption photos make her look mangy, aloof, old, dirty, and distant, not to mention smelly.

    Later, when the poo particles had settled, we went back in and picked her up. She sank into my arms and I just knew… I cried and couldn’t bear to let her go.

    Four years on, her shaggy fur has became soft, her distant eyes started slow blinking and showing emotion, her little frame filled out and she became an absolute hellhound for dinner time. When you walk in the door, no matter who you are (literally, you could be a burglar), she will run up to you and do this silent meow asking to be picked up. When you hold her, she purrs so much her body shakes and she drools until her face is dripping. She will climb into bed and play little spoon at night, and she loves laps all times of the day.

    We’ve had her 4 years and she no longer does wet shits, but is the same loving cat that melted when someone held her and showed her love. She converted me to older cats.