Three. Field. System.
For fuck’s sake, we’ve only known about it since the Medieval period.
Naw, that’s escalators. Elevators are buses.
Man, I just watched the trailer and that was a trip. I think they nailed the character: just the right amount of cynicism and hard edges without dipping too far into quippy one-liners.
It’s Bloomberg. A rag for capitalists, by capitalists. Less fossil fuel use is bad for them because it hurts their portfolio.
She publically refused to endorse Harris days before the election. Are you ignorant or deliberately spreading misinformation?
Awwww, did a lib get scratched?
Lmao, even
Sayonara, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out
There are compostable bags you can buy (Amazon warning). My county organics recycling program gives out ones that are very similar to the linked, they work quite well. They do tend to fall apart if you leave them too long, but as long as they’ve sealed there’s no smell. Keep in mind I’m going on a weekly basis, and just collecting food scraps/napkins/etc. I don’t bother with soil etc.
What? The entire point of veganism is that it is an entire order of magnitude more efficient than eating meat. Turns out all the land we use to feed animals we can just grow soybeans on instead. Speaking of which, you want amino acids? Wanna take a guess what has all the amino acids you need? That’s right, tofu! It’s widely recognized as the healthiest source of protein possible. That sets it apart from red or processed meat, which actively gives you heart disease and cancer.
Look, I’m sorry, but you’re just wrong. If you want to eat meat despite the facts indicating you shouldn’t, that’s fine. Same as you can decide to smoke cigarettes and drive a Hummer. Just be aware that it’s worse for both you and the entire planet.
Which would you prefer? A thousand people living freely or a hundred thousand people living in cages too small to stand up in?
Get outta here with pretending that big number = better. Those animals are raised in horrifying conditions explictly to be slaughtered. They wouldn’t exist in the first place except for the cruelty and greed of the meat industry. We routinely acknowledge that there are ‘fates worse than death’ for people, but when it comes to animals people seem to forget that. With the ending of the meat industry, fewer animals would exist, but they would be much better cared for.
Like the other out-of-touch libs, when you say ‘working class’ what you mean is ‘racist white rural people’.
Half my coworkers were either born outside the US or are second-gen. My national just voted to affirm and support trans rights. Turns out, people who work for money are working class. That includes, well, everybody.
This misunderstanding is why the Dems ‘moved to the right’ this election. They still think it’s 1950. Moving to the right doesn’t make you appealing to the working class, it makes you appealing to bigots.
Literally just make life easier for the working poor. That is all you need to do.
It’s probably sick. That’s unfortunately pretty much the only time a wild animal will react like that. I suppose there is an outside chance it’s domesticated and got out of its pen.
Yes. That is the point.
I note with interest that you are repeatedly posting the same cherry-picked factoid.
Average cost per mile for new track in the USA can be anywhere from $100mil/mile to over $1billion/mile for complicated projects like tunneling. This is roughly 50% higher than Europe - most likely for the simple fact that they have a larger industry for it. These are both quite high on an international scale- China builds new track for 24-48mil USD per mile.
I note with interest that you are repeatedly posting the same cherry-picked factoid.
Average cost per mile for new track in the USA can be anywhere from $100mil/mile to over $1billion/mile for complicated projects like tunneling. This is roughly 50% higher than Europe - most likely for the simple fact that they have a larger industry for it. These are both quite high on an international scale- China builds new track for 24-48mil USD per mile.
Please just do trains. They can even be solar powered - a lot easier than this.
Clearly unethical. They should have loudly proclaimed their support for Claudia de la Cruz.
Deaths in police custody should always be rreated as homicide unless proven otherwise.
Easy way to avoid high egg/dairy prices, drastically or completely eliminate your chance of getting it, and reduce the spread of it overall: just don’t eat 'em. Consider making some chili instead.