3 months agothis looks like northern china. the logo on the engine and the classic greenskin cars tell me yes, but the architecture of the little one-story houses tell me maybe. i haven’t been to the northwest though
edit: the classic arch shape of the retaining walls on the hill above the tunnel tip me towards 100% china
when we were in CQ a few years ago we found a used bookshop that sold old books by the pound, but they were happy to sell us the one book that we picked out, a tourism coffee table book from the 90s about CQ itself. there are so many great pictures in that book, scenes of a city growing up and developing. barely any skyscrapers but already a lot of those giant highrise 90s apartment buildings.
china in the 90s was a different world. Chongqing still looks somewhat similar, i’m sure Chengdu and Changsha etc are completely unrecognizable