I thought I saw those on an very early article but they’re all saying the other now. Be nice if we could find out what they really said.
I thought I saw those on an very early article but they’re all saying the other now. Be nice if we could find out what they really said.
Absolutely, op should apply. Worst they’ll get is a “no.” Better than not eating.
Something that interests him other than fascism. Idk why that has anything to do with a gift. A gift is there to show appreciation and love, not to manipulate their pov.
That’s a rough one. I know a good place to start is anything large you buy, make sure you read the maintenance portion of the manual and make a couple notes.
Then I start asking myself about important things like "how do I make sure the plumbing doesn’t get fucked? " or “how do I make sure the furnace doesn’t die?” and I start googling.
Not a great answer but it helps. I recently realized I didn’t give much of a thought to well pump maintenance and I’ve been down a massive rabbit hole on that one. I feel like you just pick one thing at a time and work on it and you learn as you go.
Kielbasa is cheap and tastes good. You can bake some potatoes with it or chop it into little pieces and put it into an omlette or slice it and make a stew with it and potatoes, celery, carrots, onions, etc. It’s just something to add to the mix to change things up and as a single person you can probably use one for like 3 meals.
I’ve been there. I hope things get better for you.
Nightmare fuel. Imagine if someone used Ai to create porn of Cheeto and female Musk.
Tell them to go onto the YouTube kids website or the app and make a kids account. It doesn’t have ads and that show is on there.
It typically was because people kept posting their youtube or stream spam. I never 100% understood it either because what if it was an actual relavant video, then why not allow it?
I remember trying a home made cardboard one that worked pretty well. Make it just big enough for him to stop messing with it.
I found this link with some suggestions while trying to find a picture or video https://pangovet.com/pet-lifestyle/cats/diy-cat-cone-collars/ they make a paper plate one which is the same idea. Might be a good place for inspiration.
Context and more info if anybody needs it.
That’s what I was thinking too. If it’s expensive brand that might explain the high price.
I feel you, my mom was the same way.
It’s actually really informative and well written, but yeah… Dude has like a 4cm penis now.
That’s wonderful! He seems like he found what he likes.
My step son can’t even remember how to make a hot pocket.
He’s beautiful! Reminds me of the black cat I had.
I remember working in fast food and almost nobody ever thought to clean the nozzles or clean out the ice bin.
There is probably a ton of mold inside where the ice is kept.
What is a/s/l?
I forgot all about those old cat wall clocks.
In the US, didn’t work. Just says, “Thank you for your appreciation! We’ll share your thanks with your driver.”
Edit: Ups delivered it. It probably has to be their personal fleet or one of their flex vehicles.