So you’re literally describing yourself?
So you’re literally describing yourself?
Lick the fucking boot more why don’t you? Must not know any Palestinians.
I feel like a good countermeasure to tariffs would be to implement export tariffs. I’m not an economist but if you tax your own businesses exporting to the US and there are import fees on the other end as well, the importer gets absolutely screwed and will have to pass that along to the customer as well. Meaning a 25% tariff in the US could effectively be whatever price Canada wants it to be for the end consumer. Effectively turn the carrot into a stick.
For what amount of time? The statistic just doesn’t make sense when framed this way.
Maybe I’m too tired or dumb to understand this… But 1 per 100k what? Is this successes per 100k attempts? Is it murderers per 100k people? 1 homicide per 100k human interactions? Maybe a citation would help me to understand the statistic you are referring to. It’s not that I don’t believe the sentiment of this comment but I really don’t know what the figures mean here so I can’t meaningfully gauge what each number means for the safety of a city.
It’s not actually a buyout. It’s a promise to pay them exactly how much they would make to work for 6 more months and then quit. But they can’t quit before then. Also they need to let them know by next week. Also also, there will be no additional severance pay.
One regular fries is $8 at my local five guys. Just fries. $11 if I want a regular drink with that. That’s more than I want to pay for a burger combo and it doesn’t even have a burger with it.
I know this is said mostly in jest but the implications of being deported to a country you aren’t a citizen of is terrifying. Being stateless is often a terrible punishment. It means you aren’t welcome anywhere in the world.
There is not much we can do about it at this point. The citizens have made their choice. And the ones that made the choice are the ones with the most guns.
Yes, you are trying to be pedantic by pointing out that account boosting is not cheating. But it is cheating so not only are you being pedantic, you are wrong .
It is cheating. I’m not sure what this weird take is. He used means that are against the rules of play to become statistically better than other players and rise in the ranks. Boosting and account sharing are against the rules. it is cheating.
My grandfather died right around the release of psychonauts 2. I played that game nearly non-stop while I did a 100% completion. It got me through the start of that grieving period. I remember being mad it wasn’t longer because nothing else released at the time was nearly that good when it came to writing and gameplay. Amazing game to be honest. Definitely in my top 10 all time. But I might be biased because of it being exactly what I needed when I needed it.
1011000 is binary for 88
So I learned a physics lesson on a forklift. I backed up beside a pallet on the ground and looked back there to line myself up. What I didn’t see was the wooden 2x4 hanging off of the pallet directly in the path of the forklift driving in reverse. So I ran over the board and loony tunes style, the board flew up through the cabin smacking me dead on the side of the face.
Honestly I think it’s a terrible precedent to set. Now the government can just say they don’t like XYZ website and are banning it. That wasn’t really something they did 10 years ago. Unless of course it was illegal activity. But I don’t think this is a net win for the internet. Regardless of what decision has been made, freedoms were removed and citizens’ rights were sidestepped for political means. I think it shouldn’t be the government’s job to protect us from ourselves.
I was totally onboard with banning tiktok on government computers and I was completely on board with the government publicly expressing concerns over the motives of tiktok as a business. That’s where I personally believe this should have stopped. Inform the people of the danger and then let them decide what to do with that information.
The problem with that idea though, is that nation-wide, citizens’ trust in the government is at an all-time low. So even if the government said tiktok is bad and you shouldn’t use it, people already don’t trust the government. Maybe they should work on regaining the trust their people had for them 65 years ago before it tries to get people to behave how they think we should.
I grew up in California. I can tell you it’s a very big place with lots of different types of folks. Most of the state geographically is conservative. Even a few of the largest cities in the state vote Red. LA is just that densely populated.
The users and posts in instance B are invisible to users in instance A. Regardless of if the messages are in instance C
Instance C is unrelated to A and B blocking each other. Why wouldn’t it be able to see posts from either unless it was also blocked?
And this idiot’s vote is dozens of times more powerful than that of any voter in any major city in the country.
I’m just pointing out what you literally said in your initial comment. You said everyone who doesn’t fight but is calling for violence is letting the Nazi’s happen. Then you proceeded to say you are also not going to fight them… Also you said you weren’t going to use insults and then proceeded to throw the word coward in there without knowing anything about me. You don’t get to be a hypocrite and then be upset when your hypocrisy is pointed out. I’m not saying you should go fight, you clearly have your reasons not to, but you yourself just said that you can’t call for violence while not fighting.