Looks like she’s winning :(
Looks like she’s winning :(
God I love how paint huffers like this get to decide the fate of the “free world”
Black pen for us. Fill it in all the way or fuck you
Thank you I needed a good laugh
Literally me lol
Start an underground resistance, harbor repressed people in your attic/basement, etc.
I was talking about it in another thread with someone, but It’s really gonna suck if there has to be any recounts. No one (except maybe Trump) wants Bush v. Gore to happen again
I’m sorry to tell you this, but it’s probably gonna be well over 36 hours
Would you be disappointed if I told you I originally heard about this with the DS/3ds, tested it, then tested it again when the switch came out to see if they were still doing it?
It’s not the small penis we hate, it’s the loud car.
It took about a week for Biden to be declared the winner last time IIRC.
What I’m really dreading is another Bush v. Gore, which would almost certainly result the same as it did the first time around.
I live in a pretty red state and someone I go to school with told me they didn’t register because they didn’t think their vote would matter. Like bro it sure as hell don’t matter now!
Had another guy tell me he lived out of state and didnt want to worry about the hassle. My brother in Christ you can register to vote in the state you go to college in. There’s signs all over campus telling you this.
Ohhhh yeah that makes sense.
Probably depends on if the state has same-day registration. I’m too lazy to check, but if anyone wants to it looks like this was in Florida
That won’t happen because when a GOP member or their family needs an abortion, they get sent off to a state where it’s legal for it to be done.
Reproductive rights for me but not for thee,
He’s 17, he can’t vote regardless
Yeah this pretty much summarizes every discussion I’ve ever had about Star Wars on the internet.
It’s unfortunate, because sometimes I really just want to have a lighthearted conversation about the franchise or whatever the newest series is, but it’s impossible to do without someone butting in and calling you an idiot for having different taste.
Everything I just said can also apply anytime a Marvel show/movie comes out.