For now. (Probably for later, too.)
For now. (Probably for later, too.)
Probably this is all very reactionary, NVIDIA’s stock will recover and they’ll remain a big player in the LLM space.
But I’m uninterested in LLM’s and would love to see price drops on GPU’s, so i hope there is a longer term moderate market loss for them in this space.
I live between the tech conservative and tech paranoid with a splash of distro hopping.
I skipped the iPod as well. Had a Creative Zen Touch, which I thought was a great device. Same kind of deal, it showed up as a removable drive or MTP device or something like that. Can’t remember for sure.
I thought Apple was cool back in the system 6/7 days. I don’t know if it actually was. I was a kid back then and just got to use it a little in school. I didn’t daily drive it. But I did like it based off the usage I got.
When they switched to a BSD* derivative, it became less the the thing I remembered liking and my interest waned. Then they switched to x86 and it became something I felt was completely disassociated with what I considered to be a Mac. And while I could see those were smart choices on their part, I no longer cared for what they were offering.
And now I hate the company for the sorts of things the meme touches on. Not that consumer hostile practices are anything new for them, just more opinionated about it now.
That was rantier than I’d anticipated when I started, but already made it this far.
This answer is completely untested and something I came up with while poking through my phone’s options. But it should work as long as the app in question uses your phone’s DNS settings.
My Samsung phone has a private DNS setting. Settings > Connections > More Connection Settings > Private DNS. This doesn’t seem to be bound to a specific connection on my device so I assume this value is used for any. I don’t know if this is available on all modernish android devices or iOS.
One can set up a dns-over-https server such as and configure it to use a DNS server which is sinkholing those domains. Which it sounds like you already have setup.
You’d have to have that public facing with a reverse proxy and a valid cert so they could reach it while on mobile data, so I don’t know that the juice is worth the squeeze.
+1 for installing Arch. If you have enough knowledge of Linux to understand what Arch is and why it is, comparatively, a more involved installation. Then you’re probably ready to install it. As was mentioned in another content, long as you know the basics, it’s not as hard as you might think. Also as suggested in another comment installing in a VM or spare hardware is good practice.
As for learning, take the time to understand the commands you’re copy/pasting. Read the man page, see what the flags you’re pasting in to. That might sound daunting at first, and you might not always be able to completely wrap you’re head around it. But you’ll learn more and more over time.
Assuming it becomes a viable product, I wonder how it’ll impact veganism? Since there’s no animal cruelty.
I’d love to see something like this in a tower format, and with regular 5.25" bays with faceplates rather than these faux floppy drives.
I’d pay a somewhat unreasonable amount for that.
That would suck if so since I obviously utilize it heavily but this doesn’t seem to be the case? Latest release was just a month ago and their github repo is active.
Jellyfin/Plex like many have mentioned.
I personally like Syncthing for petty much everything else. For general file syncing of course. But also with Joplin pointed to a synced directory for notes. With keepass as a password vault. With synced config directories for some apps across devices like newsboat for RSS, and neomutt for email. I also used to use it with rtorrent via a watch directory, though I currently am using a seedbox for that purpose.
VPN (openvpn/wireguard) is a good idea if you want to access your services outside your local network, without exposing them all globally.
I pirated a Prime show I already had access to just the other day out of annoyance because of their ads.
A selection of up to 30 candidates for a ranked choice does sound daunting. Yet despite that 80% of those that voted did complete those sections. That doesn’t sound unreasonable to me.
Edit: mentioned city council specifically. Changed to more generic phrasing.
I hope it’s a positive experience when you do!
An hour old post about Windows on the Fediverse and no one has said use Linux?
Use Linux.
I’m just throwing shade for fun.
Feels like the right choice for a shitposting community!
Are ps5’s not useful?
I haven’t bothered with the last generation of consoles, but I haven’t heard anything bad about them.
But maybe my “haven’t bothered” comment is a common sentiment and the answer to my own question?
I’ve never had any trouble running adobe software on Linux.
I’ve also never tried, but still the statement is technically correct.
I feel like the cost would come from the quantity of cybernetics and time to install them. So I imagine if the dog was about 14% the size of the Six Million Dollar man it’d work out to be about the same.