Impending mommy giving off some real Omega vibes here.
An acquaintance of mine tried giving a deer buck shot the other week. On a semi-related note, they’re having Venison for dinner tonight.
Drats, it seems I’ve been outplayed! ಠಗಠ
I’ve seen this described as Conservation of Ninjitsu, the more mooks Our Hero must face, the less competent each of those mooks will be.
You just lost The GameTM.
If you want the most extensive, expansive, awesome emergent story base building game out there, there’s of course Dwarf Fortress. You can download it right off the devs, where it’s free but takes a PhD to begin to make sense of the UI. Or you can buy it on Steam, where it will cost you a little bit, but thanks to massive UI improvements, it’s actually playable by regular people.
If you want something where you can just unwind & chill, look into the Slime Rancher games.
It ain’t called Cracktorio for nuthin’!
Meanwhile, there are two hydrogen atoms in a water molecule - H2O
Improvise, adapt, overcum.
I’m so glad that in NL, the cheese industry is so massive that cheap cheese exists, and is at least half decent
Can confirm, purring is a sure way I can get attention from my gf
Depends on how and/or if you want to curve future changes. Going 1e5.9, 1e5.8, 1e5.7, … will curve logarithmically, while 9e5, 8e5, 7e5, … will curve linearly within each power of ten, then get a discontinuity at 1e5 and go 9e4 and scale linearly at a different rate.
Of course, you’ll have to be an absolute nerd to find that a problem and there’s a nonzero chance that I’m such a nerd and I just admitted my guilt 😅
, where [...]
is everything else, and hope that the compiler or interpreter can handle non-integer exponents for this type of scientific notation.
One of my DMs is my gf. So I think that if I were to cause such a situation, it might play out something like:
ME: I go look for a brothel.
DM/GF: Sure, you do that. Now, what’s everyone else up to?
ME: that’s fine, we can play it out later 😏