Holy shit the fascists are even trying to bite the monster of a church
Holy shit the fascists are even trying to bite the monster of a church
It’s freeing for me in that, “No matter what, we’re at the guaranteed fuck stage. My brain is now freeing up the energy that goes to unproductive worry, and it can now be spared for productive minimization of damage”, which I thought was clear with me saying “Still gonna be for eco measures and such”
Huh. That’s oddly freeing
“Oh we’re all fucked guaranteed. The stress is gone”
I mean, still gonna be for eco measures and such, but it’s like a weight is off my shoulders in terms of worry
And they’ll use prison camps to fill labour voids, work people to death, and make even more restrictive laws to fill the shortages, continue until something gives and it collapses because they either can’t any more or the blue states start to riot in an attempt to break free of the US, either case resulting in GoP blaming “The enemy we are at war with” for the shortages and degrading conditions
Hey now, it’s still temporary. The sweet release if death exists, after all
“Our secretary reminded us that fascists usually take control of companies to further fatten their wallets, and we suddenly realized we are also vulnerable to nazi boots on our necks”
No, the GoP will execute their planned coup. Trump at this point is a puppet with dementia. A vile, evil puppet, but definitely too far gone to be the mastermind
My ADHD must be broken then. Or it’s the OCD and GAD talking
Even if it does, the GoP are using tactics known as cheating, rigging, and intimidation. And if that doesn’t work, a coup
“Counter question: What stops a creep from doing that even if there was an anti trans law?”
Plus it needs to be a massive number to overcome the, “This was clearly altered we are not certifying send it to the supreme court”
Less because that would stop a refusal to certify, and more because it might be able to kick the Republican SC members into choosing to not hand it to the GoP in fear of retalitation
Can’t remove them from the court. CAN shoot them
That assumes they have any shame
Still kind of surprised there hasn’t been a poisoning attempt on him yet because of how much his ego thrives on being buttered up
Remember that the GoP is gunning to not certify election results so it goes to a Republican controlled SC that has been shown to be corrupt
I don’t know what the threshold needs to be for the SC to behave, but it needs to be hit, whatever it is
Main concern is the “Refuse to certify -> Goes to SC -> SC hands the win to the GoP” type fuckery that could happen. No idea what their plans are for that. Outside of that, I assume there will be a lot of military on standby but not obviously so
We need a landslide for Kamala - Enough to scare at least a few republican SC members out of giving the win to the GoP out of fear of lynching when a bunch of states inevitably refuse to certify results
Then we need to be prepared for an actual attack on the government and pissed off Trumpers killing citizens
Can’t assume anything but worst case and prepare for it as the GoP is in full Hitler’s Nazi Party mode
Well, he is pretty old. Hammered in guilt and fervour for Israel due to being born during and growing up shortly after WWII?
Part of why I get pissed by people saying they aren’t voting/are voting third party this election. It NEEDS to be overwhelmingly Harris so the Supreme Court gets scared about giving it to the GoP. If Harris loses, there is no future election, and people who were all, “Harris is just as evil I’m not voting/voting 3rd party” will be among the people rounded up and thrown into concentration camps. Morals don’t matter shit when you get forced to work to death
It’s either make sure it’s overwhelming, or stop aiming to off Trump and instead take out the republicans on the SC - At least 4 of them. And I doubt the latter will happen, so it NEEDS to be an overwhelming Dem victory
Yeah pretty much. Trump probably means it, but he’s like a toddler, he’ll get bored. Those amplifying his message or feeding him ideas are definitely trying to distract