I mean we have them just not the ones with plastic in them. I guess they wouldn’t quite taste the same.
That’s true anonymous browsing, not only does the browser not know who you are when you visit a website, but you also don’t know what account you are logging into.
Maybe just decentralized i am guessing. Like that would just be open source browsers. Not sure for hosting though.
That would be a challenge to find out. Because I would look for the material with the minimum durability, not just a metal tank, lol. Like what is the weakest material that can still withstand this type of thing.
Yea, I previously just learned that the psi depletes as soon as it leaves the contraption because there is much less pressure, and it is just speed coming out.
We can only go 15-20 psi. I was taking the scenario as theoretically there was a human anomaly out there that could handle it lol.
I mean a bladder can’t even hold a fifth of a gallon (more like 500ml) so we are already saying it is not possible but assuming there in the future is a human cyborg or a robot the same mass and volume as a human, they would need 60psi and 3.33 gal capacity for two seconds. This info is based on water powered jetpack companies that do this service. So, I did over look one thing: the jetpacks are dual and attached to your legs and they happen over water so not sure the rest of the calculations because I am not certain whether each jetpack has same psi for it to work or it is a combined psi and the water just comes from a hose so there is no capacity but the speed needs to be at least 100gpm.
Well, for a minute of water jetpack it is 100 gpm, so I divided 100 by 60 seconds to get 1.6… for one second so two it would be 3 and a third gallons for two seconds assuming the right pressure of 60 psi.
For a water powered jetpack to lift a person it is estimated to need at least 100 gallons per minute, so similarly this could be what would be needed. Even for a second, a person’s bladder would need to be 1.6 gallons and expelled at a similar pressure. So not two seconds.
Where are they gonna deport them to? Down the street? They may have never set foot outside the country. This is ridiculous.
So something controversial sparking outrage should get upvotes instead of down votes? Statistically? Because when I disagree or dislike something I downvote, dislike etc. Is the opposite more common?
I agree with the first part, but the second while I also agree, my comment wasn’t a “stupid question” that would apply to this benefit. It was simply an observation with a false premise and an opinion expressed as a lame joke I made. I expected it to go south but it went well.
What I was asking was not why this phenomenon can be a good thing but why it would get nearly an exponentially larger amount of likes/upvotes than other posts and not downvotes instead. If they disagreed or were correcting/criticizing me, wouldn’t it follow for the comment to be down voted? I know some people view down ones as agree/disagree or like/dislike, or whether it fits the community, but logically it would seem since they expressed they didn’t like why I said in the comments, they or other readers would have downvoted me.
Unless people just wanted to bring it to everyone else’s attention, idk . The entire comment in question was a faux pas that I left unchecked and then somehow a success. Don’t really care about the “points” but it just sparked my curiosity why all of a sudden, compared to other countless times that I make similar comments, that this one was an outlier.
Firefox mobile worked for me
You have to open in your phone’s external browser. I use chrome but I am sure other would work. When I clicked on it using Boost for Lemmy and it opened in the in-app browser, it didn’t work well.
I wasn’t sure how to get these without typing them out. I just used the share link feature. I am using boost for lemmy
The head might be heavy but the stomach, much more.
The American version is two packaged chocolate halves. The toy is in the middle. The original is banned by FDA in America because it has the plastic egg within the chocolate egg and there is a clause in the FDA regulations that says non food items cannot be within packaging unless necessary. And the toy is not necessary according to them. The taste is a texture (shape) difference. Ingredients are the same as far as I know.