Victor Earhart. Unfortunately it looks like he was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2016.
Cool video I found of him while looking around.
Victor Earhart. Unfortunately it looks like he was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2016.
Cool video I found of him while looking around.
This was going to be my answer. Glad I checked before posting.
I haven’t had a proper gumbo in ages. That looks phenomenal.
I don’t remember where I saw or heard it, but when I was younger I came across an interview with some of the other cast of TNG talking about how Patrick Stewart originally came in this very disciplined classic Shakespearean actor and how he really started loosening up after a couple of years.
Jfc this gave me a very much needed full belly laugh.
Ménage à Troi
Thanks, I’m usually better about that. Fixed in my comment as well.
I think you’re the first person I’ve seen correctly attribute this to the New Yorker instead of a 4chan green text or copy pasta.
I’ve been seriously considering picking up a trumpet and starting a ska band with some of my other middle aged friends just for shits and giggles. Seems like a lot of fun.
That was the beginning of the end for me. I think by the time I got to that part the series had already been going downhill but I remember that being a really sharp turning point.
I tried to press on a little further. The introduction of the straw man nation with the innocent child king who’s only existence was to be blown the fuck out by the brilliance of objectivism is when I finally decided I just couldn’t go on.
Ooo, I was trying to think of what to answer in this thread and you just reminded me of another Orson Scott Card book, Empire.
Absolute trash. Prior to that I had read all of the Ender and Bean series and loved them. Didn’t know much about Card personally, but picked up this book because it was supposed to be tied in with a video game I was looking forward too.
Reading this book is how I found out what a shitty person he really is. It was basically all him hitting you over the head with his shitty fascist ideology while jerking off to a bunch of military porn like a dollar store version of Tom Clancy. I never did play the game.
Lately I google for someone that should give me a direct, exact result. First five links are fucking paid ads.
For anyone that hasn’t read it, the book Surely You’re Joking Mr Feynman is a delightful read. Especially the bits about him fucking with security during the Manhattan project.
You’re thinking of American Samoa which is different from the Independent State of Samoa, formerly known as Western Samoa and a sovereign nation.
Seriously though, those looking amazing.
Well that just solved the question of “what should I watch tonight?”
deleted by creator
I always made sure I had Thomas guide book for any areas I went through in my car.
When the initial allegations came out I was shocked. A week later I was having breakfast with a good friend of mine and his wife. The wife worked in the comic book industry and we’d talked about Gaiman before. I brought up the allegations and she told me that no one who rubbed elbowed with his circle were shocked. Apparently he already had something of a reputation.