I can excuse attempting to compromise millions of computer systems worldwide for nefarious purposes but I draw the line at violating the contributor guidelines of an opensource project.
I can excuse attempting to compromise millions of computer systems worldwide for nefarious purposes but I draw the line at violating the contributor guidelines of an opensource project.
The top cat uses ports to sort messages based on application.
Think pigeon holes, applications usually use protocols which are assigned a number by convention. The application gets it’s message out of it’s assigned ports instead of having to sort through all the messages.
Use ublacklist and add the filter subscriptions that you want.
he’s fired
best guess is the vpn endpoint is blacklisted by google.com with the requests being ignored instead of serving you with a 403 as some sites might. The other geographic google tlds I assume are operating separate blacklists.
here I am feeling guilty sometimes making a comment halfway through a 200 comment thread before scrolling on to find someone else already made the same joke while this mf making smug comments when they’ve not even read half the headline.
They don’t want pirates removing the slot machine monetization from their game for children.
You only need the app to do ear shape analysis
Does this require the app for operation or can you temporarily install the app for config and then use the feature without the app?
“if” gcc had a Ken Thompson hack how do you secure checks notes anything