Should have 5 years ago. Mostly cause fuck disney, but I get why you had it.
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One can hope there is plenty more of that before they even get into office…
Where do you get those numbers? I mostly ask because I think the new car and used car prices seem high. Also, the rent seems low, but obviously rent is extremely location dependant.
That’s Biden and the Democrats fault obviously, they set it up to fail and make trump look bad.
Gas station sushi and red bull, truly a painful combination.
It saw what we did to earth, and knows we’d like to do the same on Mars.
That’s assuming white to play. But I suck at chess, might have missed something.
Current import price: 80
Current USA made price: 100
Tariff import price: 200
Tariff USA made price: 190
Yup, I’ve looked into it. Seems they were all born yesterday.
She’s a congresswoman, not really involved at the state level.
The majority I know when voted R, are totally for it. But always see themselves as exceptions or think they won’t be effected.
Stein has well under a million votes, her votes wouldn’t have made a difference if Harris got every single one.
Not the link I was looking for.
A lot of departments can’t even get qualified applicants, so many positions are there but going unfilled.
Nestle would poison every source of water in the world if it meant swelling a few more bottles of water.