Igen, igen, igen…
Igen, igen, igen…
Where the hell did you get money from?!
You actually want to come back? … and to this?
They already have weapons, both sides, and America doesn’t sit on the worlds supply of weapons. So that will get him nothing.
His envoy pressing for a ceasefire seems to do very little, as everybody else has been doing the same for a while now.
What else have you got?
Well, let’s see what happens.
I also highly doubt he’s gonna do anything. Add on top of that, that very few outside countries seem to care about Trump, much less respect him enough to actually listen to anything he has to say.
I’m not a native english speaker. “Dude” isn’t part of my general vocabulary, with the exception of internet forums.
Or just because it was a joke in some shitty comedy.
I’ve only ever heard ‘Dude’ used about men. So I can not attest to it’s gender neutrality.
I dunno, I like ‘dudette’. It’s a fun and silly word.
There’s a joke here somewhere about celebrities sleeping with fans, but I just can’t get it to work. :/
I’ve heard the saying, but no, I’ve never met anyone that has actually had their mouth washed out with actual soap.
Nor anyone that claims to have done it to others. Most adult are smart enough to realize that putting a cleaning agent into a childs mouth is a bad idea.
I can’t remember the brand, but yeah. Plastic teabags are a thing and not just in the US.
They’re wierd little triangle nets.
But no worries. If you drink proper tea, you’ll never encounter them.
As someone who was a highly curious kid, I can tell you that Coriander/Cilantro does not taste like soap.
It tastes like soap smells. Soap does not taste like it smells.
Well, that depends. Most of my pants and shirts and such last a long time.
But I go through socks and boxers pretty damned fast.
Ok, just don’t repeat the whole “storm the capitol” thing. It just made them look silly.
And also remember that just shooting a president doesn’t do a whole lot on it’s own. You’ll need more of his cabinet as well to actually have an impact.
“Marijuana users are 100 percent more likely to try to convince you that legalizing Marijuana will solve all the worlds problems.” -Me.
Her. På side 5 kan du se en general statistik af energi produktion fra 1990 til 2021.
På trods af at alt går i den rigtige retning er vi kun lige nået 50% energi produktion fra vedvarende kilder nu. (Afbrænding af biomasse indgår som Vedvarende Energi i dokumentet. Du kan selv afgøre hvor grønt du syntes det er. Men Danmarks Naturfredningforening mener ikke at det spiller)
I’m aware of that. It’s mostly to point out that the bombs used on Hiroshima & Nagasaki are basically dirtybombs by comparison with the modern variants.
But at the end of the day, I guess it’s a matter of personal opinion.
Death isn’t pleasant. And I’m personally less scared of atomic bombs than soldiers. Humans capacity for cruelty is only limited by their imagination.
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