Didn’t he win his last election with something like 94% of the vote. The dude is outrageously popular… or there might be something else going on.
When we said “it’s a fucking genocide in Gaza”, they might have misunderstood which word was meant to be emphasized.
Relevant comic?
I would be down for a national anthem that sounded like a movie trailer. Opens with BWAAAAHMMMMM. Then another. Then narrator in a grisled and wise voice starts in, “We’re not a good country. We’ve done horrible things.” BWAAAAAHMMMMMM!
Agree, but the point of these “jokes” isn’t to be funny. The first objective is to offend and cause harm. The second is to phrase the offense in such a way that the offender has the option to say, “it was just a joke” when confronted by the offended. The guy has far more interest in causing harm to people than making them laugh.
Sounds like it may have been Gene Parmesan
Perhaps the message should have been that Snoop was never really in “our” corner. His interests have probably not been in looking out for other people, and so maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that he makes a decision that benefits him while (what most expect) harms most of the rest of us.
Maybe the take away is that we shouldn’t assume that any celebrities, even if they have voiced support for marginalized people in the past, will take action that isn’t in their self interest. I won’t echo the sentiment that there is “nothing wrong” with this, but expecting people to act against their self interest may be a bit like trying to shame Sam Jackson’s character from Django Unchained.
I recognize it was sarcasm, but in case you have any people in your life that argue that this cold snap disproves climate change, NOAA made this nice graphic to show what’s causing the unusual cold.
Chameleon, Invisibility, Shape Shifter.
Guys, I don’t know what I am and I’m scared
Read headline, music immediately started in my head, “if you’re looking for me…”
Thanks, mate. I installed Mint because a couple threads I checked said it was probably the best for people with no experience with Linux. One program I was trying to find a replacement for is a Monte Carlo simulation add-on for MS Excel called SIPMath Modeler tools from probabilitymanagement.org. I just started using LibreOffice as a replacement to Excel, so honestly I haven’t checked out the add-on library yet. I’m not too worried about it yet since I have an older laptop that’s air gapped now and still running Excel 2016 if I absolutely need to run the program.
I’m an accidental Linux adopter this year. I accidentally bricked a relatively new laptop by messing up an MSConfig setting, and since I didn’t have Windows restore discs, I just switched it to a Linux desktop.
I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but the laptop has been running really smooth since then. I didn’t have a huge Steam library to replace, so the only bummer has been one or two Windows/Mac only apps that I haven’t been able to find Linux replacements for yet. Otherwise, 8/10, would brick my laptop again.
Weren’t the revolutionaries following Bane in that story portrayed as the villains? Because of how absurdly rich this Thompson asshole had become, his murder has struck me, from the perspective of his sons, to be more like the killing of Thomas Wayne in the universe your quote is from. Hopefully we don’t end up with a shit version of Batman, but right now the killer could be more like Joe Chill
“Critics argue the move undermines the judicial process, while supporters view it as within Biden’s constitutional powers.”
Both things are true though. The pardon power exists as a check on the judicial branch, so it certainly undermines it in the same way that the veto undermines legislative decisions by congress. The constitution gives the president the authority to do some pretty blatant undermining, but checks work in the other direction too if the branches are acting as co-equals and not just shilling for one of the others.
Depression bigly
I think I may still be riding the hype of things like the JWST, and fusion energy breakthroughs. Our societies may be back sliding at the moment, but our species is still doing some amazing things.
I am going to click this, but God dammit if this is Rick Astley
Edit: okay, thanks internet friend
I recognize that I’m likely part of the problem, but was there a lot of, “well, actually the economy is good”?
What I remember from the campaign (from my own limited media stream) is that Harris openly acknowledged that prices were too high, both for groceries and housing, and gave admittedly broad plans to address those challenges, e.g. home buyer credits, home building targets, and child tax credits. I’m not trying to be an asshole, but I legit didn’t see this as the “abandonment of the working class” that has been the popular narrative recently.
“Look man, all I’m saying is that if it wasn’t for that song most people wouldn’t even know how to spell bananas”.