Right, considering it all happened in Jerusalem, which is in the middle east, where there probably weren’t any white people.
Right, considering it all happened in Jerusalem, which is in the middle east, where there probably weren’t any white people.
I was pleasantly suprised it wasn’t the EU, rather UK. I mean sucks for the UK protesters but still glad it aint us.
What, like ebay and amazon selling stuff they don’t own? They all get a commission for marketing, not all of the money.
Right, like, when have they ever believed that?
Yup, switched to le chat too. Not only is it French, but it also figures out when to use deep think by itself and is a lot faster than it’s competitors.
Wether it’s an IQ point smarter or dumber is irreleveant, since every model gets smarter all the time.
Honestly, thats an insult to demons.
Life is the bad place.