It’s ok, I’ll be proud for you
(It’s actually a very good joke)
It’s ok, I’ll be proud for you
(It’s actually a very good joke)
Working fine here. Very cool gameplay, may inspire me to get better at Celeste.
Thanks for updating this, I really love this project!
Does the wii have a keyboard add-on?
I once managed to do this to a coworker of mine in person. I was in disbelief, and so were they. Once in a lifetime feeling
Maybe the best “fight” in part 3, besides DIO
Free if you get it from github or F-Droid. It’s also open source, which I consider a plus
Uh, I’m out of the loop on this one. Why is the pondering my orb meme seeing a resurgence?
I see. I switched from the CLI version to the desktop version when it came out and was considering switching back if it was more convenient than it currently is to use my phone’s profile on desktop, but it sounds like it really isn’t.
What do you mean with “use as a central hub for your profile”?
Well, you’re sure to reach tons of Google users there
Could you link your wallpaper? I liked it
lmao at the guy downvoting all the Nice
Thanks for posting this, this is great.