Damn, I’m from Jersey, though Central, and this is all news to me. And I’m aware of the Frankfurt Armory explosion and all of that, but never did any research beyond. Very interesting.
Damn, I’m from Jersey, though Central, and this is all news to me. And I’m aware of the Frankfurt Armory explosion and all of that, but never did any research beyond. Very interesting.
I pirate first, and when I’ve really enjoyed a book I add a physical copy to the collection. I just can’t get behind paying for digital shit, for the reasons enumerated in this thread here. I just wish there was more direct-to-creator payments. Music and literature are perfect mediums to give directly to the artists who create it. I don’t give a fuck about whoever paid fir the digital ink. Maybe the record people get a little money.
My wife is big on library, and I need to, but I grew up just pirating stuff, so here we are. But she has a book club, and she’ll place a request for the book, and in the event it’s not yet available, she maintains the request but I get it for her. And for me personally, when I like a book or a series, I go and snag them later. I just prefer reading in Kindle anymore.
If I agree with it, it must be real.
Yeah, none of it makes sense. Why would any teacher not immediately file a lawsuit, unless they’re not a teacher and they’re trying to drum up “engagement”? But hey, just like the story in the OP, no need to ask questions because it jibes with my point of view!
It goes against my human nature to not overanalyze.
Unfortunately they’re on pages that I absolutely need to get into because my money is stored behind them. I cannot stand them, and I generally agree with you, if some random site has me doing a captcha in leaving.
I have regular everything and I still fuck them up. “click the ones with a fire hydrant”. But a tiny piece of fire hydrant is spilling into another box. Does it count? Does it not count? Good luck!!
I had one the other day that was deep fried jpegs to the max. Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do.
I thought about the numbers too. I would say dozens go as high as like 150, because beyond that you can round up to 200, which is now hundreds, but before that runs down to 100, and nobody wins say The US sent hundred of troops…
Sprinkle in a little incest and we are good to go.
I also have no idea, I thought it was all halves of halves.
The only redeeming quality about trump is he seems to be against the status quo of Republican/Democrat governance. Obviously he’s all sorts of fucking wrong in every way, but the way things have trended with Republicans and Democrats has not made the lives of average Americans better.
Someone said (and I’m terrible at remembering things like who) that Republicans make rules to benefit the rich, and Democrats make rules to benefit the poor and the rich. That is the status quo that we are left with. And right now, it’s unfortunately the status quo that I’m rooting for, because the alternative is worse.
Yeah, Hezbollah absolutely fired their IT guy after the second time it happened.
The description is the best part for me. It’s got me thoroughly scratching my head wondering if OP is some AI, but they’re here in the comments with us and clearly not.
Bout to dive into some Oreos though myself.
Yeah, that’s where I check out. I’m a guy. I know and interact with women. Sometimes I wanna be like Hey, nice dress, because it’s a nice dress, not because I’m thinking about abandoning my kids and leaving my wife over it. Instead I say nothing, because I understand that we live in a time where it might be misconstrued as sexual harassment. It’s dumb.
Bring back the supercharged Dodge Car-a-Van and we have ourselves a deal.
Love that it’s only a year off.
Excellent fucking work, wow. This was like 2002-2003, around there, and so we’re twp-plus decades back here. Keep doing whatever you’re doing, it’s working.
I’ll edit too: I may have attributed some negativity to Maddox (although I think he was a self-proclaimed asshole), but Tucker Max is the one who for sure went a bit off the deep end, I recall he ended up writing a book. Pretty much just frat guy personified.
Was gonna say, dude has no hair; his body is just a rectangle. Headbanging, I’ll give it a maybe.
My kids are young and so it’s just a given they’re going to smudge my shit. One day…
I’m not familiar with the particular site, but having dealt with similar sites through my work, it’s presumably under the management of an LSRP as to any sort of landfill.
So landfills are pretty common everywhere. Back in the 20s, up to the 50s, they didn’t have trucks to take garbage out, and so there was just a lace in town where they dumped everything. It’s becoming common that the contents of these sites are identified, any potential contaminants are remediated, and the rest of the stuff is basically capped. There are procedures in place to demarcate where the landfill begins, in the event someone has to dig in the future, and beyond that they put loads of soil, gravel, and then a blacktop cap over top (in some cases they will leave areas green). There are strict standards for residential, and once those are met, they’re deemed safe. Very common these days. And the kind of fill in these old sites is garbage that was present in the first half of the century, and it’s mainly just junk. As I said, LSRPs would identify any potentially hazardous materials and remediate them.
Now, as far as a munitions depot, I have not come across them in my work, and so that’s new to me. That being said, the sites for these affordable housing projects under Mt. Laurel are chosen by the municipalities, and so it wasn’t a developer coming and saying yeah, it’s fine; it was the municipality saying so. They’re also generally part of a settlement in court.
During the long process of determining eligible sites, they conduct what’s called a Phase 1 environmental assessment, which identifies potential for contamination. So if there is potential, they’d move on to additional, more detailed studies. And, basically, if you’re aware of the site’s history, so are the folks involved in the project, and they’ve moved on to identifying potential contaminants and remediating it. For affordable projects, they’ll presumably get grant monies, either federal or state, which will require they comply with whatever guidelines are appropriate. NJDEP have some of the strictest standards (because we have so much experience) in the country.
But yeah, munitions depot, or at least what was essentially a firing range, is absolutely new to me, and I really hope they get some kind of UXO robots in there before you have guys in heavy machinery moving through. And I’m sure they have, because the State and the municipality would essentially be on the hook, as far as liability.
Edit: I should add, planning board and council meetings with regard to the project are open to members of the public, and in some cases they’re streamed online (one of the good things to come out of COVID). If you are interested, it’s a great place to see some of the inner workings of all of this. The municipality isn’t just stepping aside, they have their advocates, legal, engineering, and the like, and they’ll do a thorough vetting. It’s rare for affordable projects to get denied, but it does happen, and site safety can be a big factor.