Just because you disagree with it doesn’t mean the claim was unsourced!
the source for the claim is in the post
Books that I have read this year so far, and my very brief thoughts on them:
Battle Royale (Koushun Takami) - pretty good!
Darryl (Jackie Ess)- VERY good!
Shadowrun: Burning Bright (Tom Dowd) - pretty good! Ive got more SR books lined up, love the universe.
Maus (Art Spiegelman)-
Cannibal (Lois Jones) - Eh. Total schlock, I read this in high school and it didn’t hold up.
Have no mouth must scream (Harlan Ellison) - good, not a book, not as good as the game
I would be willing to break the “never get in a helicopter or small plane” rule to ride in this, 100%
Well, there is one way…