36+62=98 what did that last 2% do lol?
36+62=98 what did that last 2% do lol?
Cops also have to deal with insurance companies 🤷🏻
Ahh, I see now. That all makes way more sense lol. Thanks for sharing.
If the power goes out you’d probably be better off using solar or a even gas. Maybe if you’re using water for something else anyways it makes sense but how much power can really be generated by turning a house on for a min? How much water is wasted?
I don’t think you’d get enough water pressure that way.
Tldr? Why would anyone do this? To what end?
You’re welcome 🤗
The Primaries where I live where held in June. My options for President in June where Joe Biden and Terrisa Bukovinac. What you mean is there was no time to hold a second primary. If the Democrats needed to hold a second primary, doesn’t that mean they fucked up the first one?
I voted in the primaries so IDK what you’re talking about.
It’s wild to me that Democrats thought Hillary Clinton 2.0 was a good idea. They even fucked up the primaries like in 2016 as well.
I didn’t read it but, does it include student loans, medical bills, groceries and other basic needs?
Max pays who? Warmer Bros owns both Max and Cartoon Network. Are they legit paying themselves, that’s so stupid it must be true.
I’ve never seen pex running into a house from the street/ground. It’s always been copper up to the water meter at the very least and it’s code (in NJ at least) to put grounding wire there.
Another immigrant stealing black jobs!
When’s the last time Billy Joel saved someone from jumping off a bridge huh lol?
Trump did lose the popular vote twice. So did Bush in 2000, meaning a Republican won the popular vote once in the last 8 presidential elections.
If you game online that’ll also be an extra $400+ over the life span of console. So the real question is can you build a PC for $1100+
I’m not a lawyer so don’t quote me but, I’m pretty sure genocide is illegal.
Nah, I just fucked up and now will have to live with the shame lol. Thanks for the correction though.