China: independent socialists
Japan: subservient crypto-fascists
China: independent socialists
Japan: subservient crypto-fascists
I have my issues with albo but this is a good move for him and the political establishment. Tit for ta tariffs aren’t going to make things better. American tariffs are going to hurt the mill owners and shareholders either way. Reciprocating is just going to raise prices for consumers of imported goods. Saying “we don’t like it but we won’t hit back” could be just what trump wants to hear. Signaling to Trump that the Australian government knows its place as a subservient vassal is pathetic but its also true. No point blustering and chest thumping. Best case, maybe Trump will let Australia off the hook as a reward for knowing their place.
yeah… the global north needs a theory of party building for the 21st century.
There is some good-bad to it but there’s some real bad-bad as well. Overall I do think it is a movie people should watch but not for fun entertainment as much as for historical/cultural information.
Technically it doesn’t do anything amazing. As a story it is simplistic and rough. But the some of the acting and character work is good and it does a good job pushing its jingoistic message.
Euros saying “russia won’t stop in ukraine” are just shitting themselves because there is nothing they could do stop it and In european “culture” weakness is a sin that must be punished. They know that if the shoe was on the other foot they would totally just keep going because they are barbarians who can’t peacefully coexist they must dominate or be dominated.
The question I have is “how european is Russia?”
first glance: Yeah ok, USA is the devil. makes sense White Jesus is China and DPRK? weird but ok.
looks deeper: wait… isisrael and Palestine on the same side? Both Koreas too? rainbow flag and trans flag on opposite sides?
I don’t condemn objects for the things people do with them. Like knives or TNT or nuclear energy AI can be used to make things better for people or worse. It just depends on who is using it and how.
Video games. Like I’m sure in a communist utopia there would still be video games but I’d probably have less free time to game. Maybe not though. As a poor person in the first world I’m not sure where I sit on the scale of redistribution of wealth but I’m guessing its kinda middle of the pack.
This whole war happened because donbas demanded the right to self determination. They held referendums to break away from the nazi government in keiv and declared independence. That is when the civil war really kicked off before that it as just sparkling unrest. Russia didn’t “invade” ukraine they were invited into the donbas by LPR and DPR governments to uphold their right to self governance.
I did but I didn’t want to put that idea into peoples heads because its kinda gross. Not when I do it but thinking about other people doing it is disgusting.
This wasn’t a problem for me back when I had long hair but recently I was growing a wicked long mustache that was half way down my chin. The peanut butter getting all up in it every morning after my toast was getting annoying so I chopped it off.
“Citing anonymous sources (They made it up) from the country’s Interior Ministry – the department which oversees law enforcement – Latvia-based independent Russian-language news outlet Meduza…”
“In 2014, Galina Timchenko was fired from her job as chief editor at Lenta.ru by oligarch Alexander Mamut, a supporter of Vladimir Putin, after she had interviewed Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh. She launched the new webpage Meduza on 25 October” -Wikipedia
So a banderite sympathiser is making unbacked accusations about Russia? That’s not news.
No its not a us psyop they just signal boost it. The architect of the Uyghur genocide lie is a German Christo-Fascist named Adrien Zenz. He has has posted undeniable nazi apologia on twitter. He is part of the “victims of communism” foundation who literally count every killed nazi soldier who invaded Russia or was protecting concentration camps as “victims” of communism.
So its not an American psyop. Its a fascist psyop.
What makes you so sure that Taiwan isn’t part of china? Both the Taiwanese government and the mainland government agree that Taiwan is part of China. So does the usa and every other nation in the world.
Make them all just citizens with equal voting rights. yes. but not all “israeli citizens.” The name of the state needs to be Palestine because even after the genocide there are still more Palestinians than there are israelis. The existing government system needs to be dismantled because it is clearly broken if a genocidal maniac can rule for decades even while under corruption charges. The IDF need to be disbanded and many of them charged with war crimes. After the majority of the wealthiest israelis leave because they are too racist to live under equal democratic rule, nothing will be left of israel.
Palestinians don’t need israelis to “take care of them” They can take care of themselves. If they can manage the most densely populated city in the world while under a blockade that enforces a near starvation diet with regular raids that arbitrarily kill and imprison the adult male population which the zionists call “mowing the lawn” they can build a functioning state. They need the blockade to be lifted. They need to be allowed to return to the homes their parents and grand parents were forced out of. They can do the rest.
israelis in the other hand have never been able to run a state. the zionist entity has always relied on billions of dollars of aid from the western world. Its entire economy is a gift from the west of highly profitable processing and manufacture jobs that could be done anywhere.
I get what he is saying but that doesn’t mean its gonna happen. There is no way this is anything more than trump ranting out his ass. Do you not remember that 90% of what he says is just hot air? If you keep listening to everything trump says and worrying that he will really do it you are going to be really miserable for the next 4 years (provided he doesn’t do away with term limits) What trump says and what he ends up doing are 2 different things. The man talked about injecting bleach to cure covid ffs.
If the fascists society of isisrael couldn’t do it what makes you think america could when everything has to be shipped half way round the world? Do you think an america abrams tank is going to fare any better than a merkava which was designed specifically for the conditions? Do you think america can ship as many tanks as isisrael had a year and a half ago? Do you think american soldiers are any better trained than the idf? They will eat shit every bit as hard as the zionist entity did.
american soldiers aren’t raised to dehumanize and hate Gazans. They will have way bigger issues starving and murdering women and children than the idf. Most of them aren’t chomping at the bit for genocide and if they are they want to do it closer to home. The reason for the war wasn’t enough to keep the israelis fighting why would american troops be willing to fight and die for a pile of rublle the zionists weren’t willing to fight for?
You have to pass everything trump says through the filter of “is this really a thing he could do” 90% of the time the answer is “no”
Has he just not been paying attention to things over the last year and a half or is he just stupid? Biden already did everything except put troops on the ground and drop nukes trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza. It didn’t work. There are no more moves to make.
an external influence? You mean it wasn’t all my cutting witty remarks passing through the cable that cut it up from the inside? It wasn’t spontaneous combustion? it wasn’t a case of Kennedy’s head undersea cable just did that?
Nope I don’t believe it. I refuse to live in a world where 2m wide fiber optic cables don’t cut themselves for no reason.
I hope they rebuild it like 5 times bigger to show the fascists who the boss is.