It’s a wonder what simply walking outside does for your mental health. Good on him.
It’s a wonder what simply walking outside does for your mental health. Good on him.
I wouldn’t say nuclear is better than renewables. I would say it’s a good at providing base load as we transition from fossil fuels over to renewables. That’s all.
Wow, didn’t realize how anti-nuclear Lemmy is after looking at this comment thread.
I love the stache
I love this!
As someone with ADHD. My brain remembering things would be a game changer.
Except when someone taxes a 95 year old to death. Fuck em.
Wow really? “No u”? Fuck this guy
As a Minnesotan. Would love to.
A group of masked men with Nazi flags
Just say Nazis CNN. It’s not hard. Even the headline sucks.
Now this is podracing politics!
Honestly, fuck Pelosi. Completely out of touch. I wish we could ride ourselves of these dinosaurs.
I can’t wait to observe the consequences of people’s actions.
Honestly, I hope they put in all of their planned changes. And I hope we all suffer. Fuck it, watch it burn.
It’s a good idea to arm yourself. Protect yourself and your own.
Hear, hear. Truly terrible people. It’s like half of my countrymen are the people from Always Sunny.
And also because his base is a cult. Which would require deprogramming.
I’ve given up on my country. Fuck this place. We get what we deserve.
Oh, I’m definitely not saying it’s a cure or anything for mental health. Just that it’s amazing if it does work for you.
It definitely works for me. I go hiking regularly.