This is Superbowl - where we give a hoot.
This is Superbowl - where we give a hoot.
Fuck you guys, Canada has dibs.
Finally. FINALLY. My ulcer grows every time I hear someone quote that list of evil things Monsanto does. Even though yes, they are evil.
You getting downvoted for stating what’s factually correct while still disagreeing with it is classic shooting the messenger.
What if we’re the sun’s moon and the moon is the moonmoon?
I send weekly complaints to the town council about how we can’t keep chickens. If people can have chickens in freaking downtown Vancouver, everyone should be able to have chickens.
From where I live I can look across the water, sighting distant shores, and declare “A mad man rules there.”
Thanks, I needed that. I’m sorry you have to endure the slow apocalypse from a front row seat.
I’m not even American and my hours got cut the last time he was elected because tariffs nearly killed the company I worked for. I wish one of those old as fuck politicians in his orbit would use what little time they have left to end this bastard.
His films are classics and still fondly remembered for a good reason, he didn’t shy away from the hard life lessons. Sure, we don’t always get a happy ending, but kids deal with death, sickness, loss and bad people all the time. They need media that shows they’re not alone.
Rock-a-Doodle was the shit, so many unhinged lines for a kids movie and Goldie was definitely a prostitute. “If I killed my nephew, would that be murder or charity?”
If the cop loses their job over this, it’s like two birds with one bullet.
Just not the dick. According to this article he gets weekly penis injections, but it doesn’t say of what.
The one downvote on all the comments implying OP is a twat are the internet version of a frowny faced child stamping his feet.
Links to his 2011 and 2024 interviews on the fandoms his work inspired.
This was either posted by someone who’s 9 and doesn’t know any better, or 90 and should know better.
Just imagine a football team using the quaker oats guy as a mascot and calling them “The crackers.”
Building an attack helicopter and naming it after a group of people who absolutely fucked your shit up seems like a sign of respect to me.
This person texts admitting to stalking you, thensends texts admitting to bribing the police? Did you call the station with your tracking number to confirm this? Or take your copy of the report to another station if you did confirm it was buried? Those details will help round out your creative writing exercise here.
I liked Windows 97.