Hace poco he leído ¡Pelayo! por José Ángel Mañas, que se trata del personaje legendario de una nueva perspectiva. No conozco muy bien esa etapa de la historia así que fue bastante interesante para mí
🇪🇸 🇨🇦
Hace poco he leído ¡Pelayo! por José Ángel Mañas, que se trata del personaje legendario de una nueva perspectiva. No conozco muy bien esa etapa de la historia así que fue bastante interesante para mí
Probably SK, Japan, or the US. And then we analyze the crap out od it afterwards
About 200 million trillion times the entire global GDP
David Szymanski (Iron Lung dev) fixed Jerma’s save live on Twitter and Twitch
One phrase, but two words. Its less analogous to why and more like “because of/for what”. In English its just one word but in Spanish its actually a phrase. Funnily enough, porque means because and is one word. To make matters worse there’s also porqué and por que which mean slightly diferentes things
I’m sure you have no problem with the Russian govt seizing things though?
If anyone wants a great video about the experiment, I recommend you watch this Vsauce video
Known for: ReiserFS, murder
So why do you use numbers? Domingo and sábado make sense as they’re the same in Spanish
Are these representing days of the week or ordinal numbers? These are all cognates in Spanish but I don’t see the connection
My all-time favorite fish is the ropefish. Just look how happy they are!
Slowly? Hes been this way for as long as he’s been around
Thunder app renders everything as a empty box, which actually makes it harder to read than normal zalgo
Let me guess: you have to use Google’s massaging app, right? This seems too good to not have a catch
Yeah my biggest complaint about Codeberg is that stuff can be hard to find
But how do they work? I need some clowns to explain it to me
Definitely not a common phrase. I’ve never heard of it (from Spain) and I just asked about 10 others from other countries and only one has. We usually would just say clockwise or counterclockwise
Its just a really big trebuchet
They’re not related to TST at all.