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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023


  • Exactly this, they’re best used as a tax free investment account rather than anything health related. If you’re on a plan with high enough a deductable to be eligible for an HSA and can afford it you should max out your HSA contributions before even a penny of unmatched 401k contributions. Personally I’d argue that you’re better off maxing out the HSA and using post-tax money to pay medical expenses unless close to the end of your career. It’s one of it not the single most easily taken advantage of ways to not pay tax at all on a long term investment.

    The system is indeed stupid but the least you can do is take advantage of it where possible and for the middle class the HSA is one of the best ways.

  • The fingerprint sensor on the 8 series is really bad and battery quite mediocre. In my opinion pixels are rarely worth their asking prices relative to Samsung’s offerings. I have had an 8, 8 pro, and now 9 Pro XL and the 9 series really feels significantly more complete than the others despite relatively small difference on paper.

    Relative to other Android phones the biggest difference with pixels is the lack of customization. The cameras are amazing but the rest of the experience feels pretty hampered in my opinion.

  • The writing has been on the wall for a while now. All retirement planning I’ve done is based on the assumption that SSA won’t be around by the time I retire. The fact that we can’t even remove the taxable maximum to retain some degree of financial solvency is proof enough.

    I think the most likely course of action is that we will get some portion of our contributions back, but not the full amount. I just hope that they don’t raise the retirement age so much to try to retain the illusion of being able to get a full payout. I’d rather get a fraction of my contributions back at 67 than need to risk living to a much older age but receiving full benefits.