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Cake day: June 6th, 2024

  • It’s weird. I mountainbike my whole life, i feel super weird not wearing a helmet. I wear a full face helmet on every trail. I ride sometimes on a lift where one of the best riders in europe practices. He wears a helmet from the car to the lift. But somehow he thinks he’s too good to wear a helmet. I often see people with child seat on their bicycles and the children wear helmets and the parents don’t. Where the hell is the logic there. If you ever drop on your head, your child sits in a puddle of your blood and waits until someone finds them?

  • At least you would’ve died in style.

    When i grew up, my friends parents owned a farm that was on top of a mountain, it was like a 10min drive up there on backroads. They drove around a beater car, something like a Suzuki swift. Sometimes we were allowed to ride on the hood, like a bunch of criminals in a 80’s action movie. I remember sitting on the roof once, holding on for dear life. I never really thought much about it, but i would never do that with my nephew. Not because i think they are soft and we were such a hard ass generation, because i don’t want to kill a child. It happens so fucking fast

  • Some people are beyond reason. Last year i bought a broken lawnmower from some lady, because i thought it’s a fun project to fix it. The lady was probably in her 60es. And one of the forst things she said to me was: no offence, but my generation in absolutely useless. Useless i thought, that’s pretty rich coming from someone that is close to morbidly obese, racist as fuck, lives on an absolute dumpster of a house that her husband probably bought for 300 dollars 40 years ago. She was the most useless person i have seen in a long ass time.

  • When i grew up, i liked sex scenes in movies, because where else would you see it? There was no interet. Now i really don’t like sex scenes because they are pretty much always stupid and pointless, and i see more a creepy ass director jerking himself off. I started to see the same thing with feet and it just feels creepy. I don’t really like feet to begin with, but ever since i realised that a lot of people have a foot fetish, i’m starting to see it in movies, where there is no reason for people to be barefoot. Like in the earlier marvel movie where women just randomly walked around barefoot for absolutely no reason.

    Nudity is kind of the same and i find it mindblowing that it still works. I still hear dudes say that they like … Movie because … Shows her boobs. I find it even grosser, ever since i learned that nude scenes are usually shot first, so the actor is less likely to back out or they have leverage.

  • What a dumb thing to say honestly. My sisters boyfriend bought a old stupid pickup truck that doesn’t have seatbelts. He’s so proud of the fact that he doesn’t need seatbelts. I think it’s the main reason that he wanted that car. He drives around his children in it, and the previous owner had it all prepared that you could put in seatbelts, but he would rather die than use seatbelts. Same with helmets. They bought ebikes to go on rides, and everyone wears a helmet except for him. Hy sister tells him all the time to wear one. She has him as far now that he takes a helmet with him, but he’s not wearing it. A almost 50 year old man doesn’t want to look uncool on his bike.

  • I was once tripping hard at a party, and they had a ceiling with some tiles with holes in them. So obviously i started counting them. I soon realised that it’s less of a counting thing and more of a math problem. I took some toilet paper and started scribbling down numbers. I remember as soon as i wrote all the numbers down, i didn’t really remember where the numbers even came from and why they are so important to me. When i had the final result, i wrote it on my arm and flushed down the toilet paper. Every few minutes i took a look at my arm and repeated the number in my mind.

    At some point the police knocked on the door, because of a noise complaint. I thought it’s because they wanted the numbers and went to the toilet to scrub it off. And was so relieved that they are gone. Then i got mad at myself because i forgot tye numbers. I sat down at my place on the sofa, looked up and saw the holes and remembered, and had to laugh out loud.