Didn’t Trump say if Kamala was elected we’d have WW3? It’s been less than a week and we’re trying to start some $&@!
Didn’t Trump say if Kamala was elected we’d have WW3? It’s been less than a week and we’re trying to start some $&@!
LMAO at title
I have friends like this too.
They will never notice and assume without evidence that someone else is to blame.
Yes. I’m so disinterested in money to the point it’s probably unwise.
Me, going on 48: “they let kids have cellphones in school?”
I love this.
I don’t know who that is 👴🦯
It’s according to plan. Russia can’t compete with the West, so it wants to bring western countries to its level.
What’s his voting record? That’s what counts.
Which ones would say it does? Is Biden in your view as corrupt as Trump in that he can and has been bought for practically anyone that appeals to his ego and wallet?
Agree. The size of the community seems to correlate with the number of trolls, which can quickly change the tone of a platform. Trolls are more active, outspoken, and literally feed on negativity.
Same. Waterloo Cherry Limeade and Blackberry are the flavors I like most.
I’m not exhausted, I feel like the news has failed in mission to speak truth to power. That continuing to give them my attention only serves probably someone’s capitalist bottom line.
So, I say no click for you.
What should he have done instead? Send the bill back to congress? What are the consequences of not getting this bill done?
“Accused of,” something everyone can see with their own eyes.
Please god let there be a shadow/nanny government that hides the keys to the nuuuukes
I thought they just declared there’s no such thing as trans?