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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • You joke, but around when covid started I swear a fox news host announced he doesn’t wash his hands cause he doesn’t believe in germs. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if “soap is evil” became the new conspiracy

    ha, found it. It was some guy named Pete Hegseth: “My 2019 resolution is to say things on air that I say off air,” Hegseth began. “I don’t think I’ve washed my hands for 10 years. I don’t really wash my hands ever. I inoculate myself. Germs are not a real thing. I can’t see them, therefore they are not real,” Hegseth added.

    I’d hope he was joking but this was on fox so who knows

  • My brother took this exact route and its not as easy or cheap as it sounds. Even their nicest sheds have a ton of work to be done to make them livable, and after that you’ll need even more expensive work to make them up to code for your state. Your best bet if you are serious is to find a plot of land with their water/sewage/electricity/postal address already there (and a driveway or gravel road too if you can, that was expensive and took months of paperwork for some reason)

  • I think something a lot of people don’t realize is that transitioning is not the end of the story. You still have to live in the same exact shitty world, with all the same hate, all the same bigotry, all the hostility. And if your post-op presentation doesn’t pass the stringent “do you look cis enough” high standards of society? Welp, your life is now on extra hard mode. All the people you know that are already transphobic will probably still be just as transphobic after you transition, if not worse. People de-transition for a lot of reasons but I wouldn’t be surprised if the main reason is the pressure to present as either their pre-transitioned selves or to present as a perfect ideal of gender that no one can clock.