Nothing but laughs in and out.
Nothing but laughs in and out.
Nope totally fine and well aware of the world around me. But you were saying something about Byzantine?
You are not wrong. But society isn’t perfect.
No it’s not obtuse and is very straight forward. If the steps from 1 to 2 seem like a big leap that’s more telling. It’s not Byzantine it’s big gap in a society… acting like it’s a black hole describes the issue instead of solving it.
10 out of 10
Actually a good one.
But seriously… How much can I imagine inflation means? How much can i inflate things with my mind? Ten dollars? 2 dozen? How much does Covid create while I jerk off?
Is it weird that I have no sense of the cost of eggs and my grocery store isn’t empty and no one is freaking out and doing the math per egg?
Is half of the country losing its mind for any good reason? No one remembers Covid while reelecting trump? As RFK jr gets nominated while stating this shit? Are brains getting scrambled? Is the US using pounds? Does no one recognize avian flu while talking about it?
Sounding real close to conservative logic but yea you do you…
Hands on hips and demanding answers cause she’s the only reason anything happens.
Neat photo op for a trump hatchet woman. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth…
It wasn’t burning when your parents grew up but they get a whiney pop song… it wasn’t burning when you grew up while that whiney pop song replayed…
If you’re sitting there now saying “we didnt start the fire” with a straight face you should jerk off into a mirror cause the world already suffered your bs so just turn inward.
It’s a song from a generation that took the country from the civil rights movement to trump. They poured gas on whatever fire they’re complaining about.
Obligatory guy on a buffalo!!!
Def sounds like context. If someone lobs a “you okay”? I take more concern but I can dig it. Different strokes for dif folks
“How you doing” and “appreciate you” are different though than someone straight out asking “you okay?”
Some times it can sound like you are somehow presenting that you are not ok and can throw you off.
Man where was this even handiness this last election?
DiD yOu ThInK aBoUt ThE gEnOcIdE?
Can they do that with any other airframe? Do they have godlike controls in any other condition?
Yea use that broad brush to paint yourself into a corner!
No one needs to advertise the nytimes or top media… you could do better to push a hot take opinion or top media…
The issue is important.
This dog is forever now known as puppycat… just so you know…