• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • I agree that it’s a “cop-out”, but the issue it mitigates is not an individual one but a systemic one. We’ve made it very, very difficult for apps not to rely on environmental conditions that are effectively impossible to control without VMs or containerization. That’s bad, but it’s not fixable by asking all app developers to make their apps work in every platform and environment, because that’s a Herculean task even for a single program. (Just look at all the compatibility work in a codebase that really does work everywhere, such as vim.)

  • For anyone else wondering, here’s the text of the actual email cited as the CoC violation:

    Michal, if you think crashing processes is an acceptable alternative to error handling you have no business writing kernel code.

    You have been stridently arguing for one bad idea after another, and it’s an insult to those of us who do give a shit about writing reliable software.

    You’re arguing against basic precepts of kernel programming.

    Get your head examined. And get the fuck out of here with this shit.