Strange that politics who call for deregulation never deregulate useful things.
Funny that right? Those that call for deregulation would probably call for deregulating the legal time frame that a company has to support their devices.
And as to what we did with ours, effectively trash. We have a medical junk guy who comes through yearly and picks up the stuff thats getting thrown out, he parts pieces out he can sell, sells scrap otherwise, etc. Also sells a lot of equipment to smaller hospitals out in rural that will make do, and a lot of stuff we have goes to Project Cure which sends medical devices out of country to places in need. The funny part about the rural hospitals and Project Cure is… neither of those can happen because, as I said earlier, can’t verify their accuracy anymore so for my hospital, about 30 units of trash in one day.
Our state regularly pulls this nonsense. Vote to keep right to work from happening, then vote in republicans. Vote to expand Medicare, vote in the people who prevent it even though we voted it in.