It was ok. I didn’t get the hype around it and didn’t think it was great or as good as everyone was saying it was.
It was ok. I didn’t get the hype around it and didn’t think it was great or as good as everyone was saying it was.
“TV” still does just not tv. At least kids I know are streaming descendants zombies victorious. Basically anything with singing and yes a hefty dose of YouTube thrown in.
Quartets are a great idea but I found them very annoying in real life and ended switching back to docker.
10 million less votes for Democrats and only 5000000 more votes for trump since last election. Yes I assume a large portion would have.
Well the replicants gained 500000 ish votes and the dems lost 10 million compared to the last election.
Look at the plane thing. Because rich people wher effected they can now block that info.
I understand your opinion but your also the person they well just let someone take over the country then be like oh how did this happen.
So let’s say nobody dozed this guy. Do you think that is going to stop anything you are afraid of?
Charged for what? The president has said grab them by the pussy? What crimes do you think he we’ll be charged with? There is no reason of law in America.
Well keep praying to yourself it we’ll get better. Cause it isn’t going to. You have just elected a rapist criminal egomaniac into office. And most of the country doesn’t care.
So what’s your course of action. Cry in your pillow? What ever most of the lefts think their actions it obviously is t enough.
It’s going to happen either way. We can dox their worst or sit back and do nothing. And they’ll still do what they are going to. Which is why the right always seems to win. They keep at something till they get it.
Sure but taking the high road has done nothing but embolden the right. It’s past time of playing nice.
He’s been censoring from as soon as he got twitter.
Well people say Israel is in the right because they had people killed. Does that mean everyone in Gaza now has the right to do what ever the hell they want to Israel? Since the IDF has killed way more civilians then the attack did.
But he still did it. It must have been so hard for him hope he can get over the initial damage. Maybe the other oh wait they’re dead.
Yah sure. I’m sure when they shoot a civilian it’s because hamas hiding under their dress. People need to stop believing in movies just because hamas is bad doesn’t make Israel the good guy. There doesn’t seem to be a good guy in this fight. Also look at how Israel has treated them over the years is it really hard to see why organizations like hamas have sprung up?
Hahaha good one.
No your just going to go further right as a country and all the special leftist that stayed home we’ll cry how did this happen.
Really I see tons of people making generalizations of boomers.