Alright, we get it. You like VIM.
Alright, we get it. You like VIM.
Dude I swear, Taco Bell is either having some really good marketing lately, or people are just naturally talking about them for some reason. Hell, a YouTuber I normally watch reviewed a new food item on their menu out of the blue, and he normally does gaming content. I’m like 95% sure it was an ad.
I’ve had them a few times now, and they’re pretty decent for what they are. I can’t tell what breading they’re using exactly, but I’m fairly certain it’s tortilla shell pieces. The sauces are also surprisingly good fwiw.
Outside of the meals, they charge for it.
Honestly, I like the cantina chicken stuff. It’s better than their normal chicken imo. The only bad part is they charge like 50¢ for the Avocado Verde sauce
I feel like I remember learning about the branches of government in like 3rd grade, but I only really remember Executive and Judicial.
Lol, lmao even. D2: The Final Shape got a 92%? That’s really generous. Personally, I would give it a solid 70-80.
Ooh, was that part of one of the short story collections, or was it a part of the mainline novels?
Yeah, I was going to say. Even without the usual tells I just could feel that it seemed AI. It’s that glossiness I think; even with a filter over top of it it looks off.
I’m sorry, “misleadingly claimed…”? That’s just straight up fucking lying
This comment just made me realize that the EZH20 is both the model type as well as a description of what it does lol
Holy shit, that’s awful lmao. The only real thing from that entire pamphlet is that there’s no real difference between L and R in Japanese (Think of ramen for example. It was a borrowed/translated word from Chinese: lo mein.) But I guess that’s why it’s propaganda in the first place.
Yeah, I honestly think it’s really interesting! More specifically, Seuss was in the Signal Corps to make propaganda like this alongside other artists you might know such as Stan Lee! Lee even made propaganda/survival comics for troops since a lot of them couldn’t be bothered to read manuals for a lot of their equipment lol.
Xbox can play Blu-ray as well, iirc. Still though, your point does stand. Let’s just hope that All-Digital consoles don’t supercede physical media consoles.
Not really the point, but that’s a funny little oxymoron; to be a radical anything you’d need to be actually committed to something so much that you want to do actual ground work to further a cause.
Animal Farm by George Orwell is a novel about farm animals taking their farm back from the farmer who owns them. After a while of having core tenets, their first and most important rule “All animals are equal” suddenly gets appended with “…But some are more equal than others.” After this, the events are heavily based off of the rise of Communism*, and more specifically Leninism throughout the newly formed Soviet Union.
*Not to say that the entire book isn’t an allegory for the rise of Communism but that’s the way writing this brief summary sounded well in my head.
Oh, 100%. There’s actually a metric in a lot of sandbox-type games called “TTP” (Time to Penis) which measures how fast players will draw a cock n balls after gaining control of their character
That’s not what it meant, albeit it was worded dumb. It meant $10K total, with 8000 being USD and 2000 being foreign currency.
Wait, Grant and Jessi died?! This is the first I’m hearing of this
At least Nano comes pre-installed on most machines (I think at least)