• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • If I may project a little, I think the commenter is pointing to language that’s been cropping up essentially calling big name republicans traitors for endorsing Kamala. While you’re more than allowed to interpret what they said literally, I read it has intentionally a bit hyperbolic to make the point that a huge portion of the Republican Party will literally blindly follow him, even if the party leaders are starting to flake.

    Just remember, rewording this statement:

    If big name Republicans aren’t going to vote for him, why are you assuming all other Republicans will?

    To the version that would exemplify your interpretation:

    If big name Republicans are going to vote for him, why are you assuming all other Republicans will?

    Still creates an equally bold, and hyperbolic claim. Sometimes people use words like “all” and don’t really mean every last person. I blame the English language, not the people taking words literally, for misunderstandings like this.

    Just remember, especially with politics, people often hype up language a bit, it makes statements carry more oomph, and can help keep supporters excited for whatever movement they are supporting.

  • Dreams of Code on YouTube has a video for a full start to finish arch install specifically including full disk encryption. While my computer is far from “slow” it’s also nothing crazy, and other than adding a second password to my bootup process, the decrypting really doesn’t take long.

  • I’ve been playing the System Shock remake, and it’s been a dream!! It could be a tad more hand holdy, particularly with actually presenting the story, but it’s very true to the style at the time, leaving you to just explore an “abandoned” space ship to figure out what happened. It feels very Bioshock, meets Metroid, meets Marathon, meets Alien Isolation.

    Metro 2033, and I’m fairly confident the 2 sequels, has also been running very smoothly. I plan to do a full play through of all 3 games having played the first 2 zones of metro exodus years ago and falling in love with the world building. Something I realized I was missing in a lot of games was full voice acting. If there are captions/words/subtitles on the screen someone is saying them out loud. I guess in world words like posters and such no, obviously not, but even the “loading screen” are these lovely journal/map moments, reminiscent of travel transitions in old films. They come with a fully voice acted paragraph to make it not feel like a loading screen at all, but a transition in the “film” or chapters of the game. This makes sense being based on books. The story is just given to you so well, while also allowing enough freedom to make it feel like you are an active part.

  • I’ve hit a point where I’ll ask staff for their Venmo and pay them directly if I really feel compelled to support them for quality service. Particularly at a lot of bars or clubs I do this. I don’t really drink much, so I’ll often go whole nights just getting waters from a bartender and then ask them for their Venmo so I can still tip them for all the free water. I’m also generally willing to tip well at local small businesses where half the time I know the people working there.

  • Lmaooo!! The tits on my chest say I’ve got my “babe” card I think. Cringe doesn’t exist and I won’t get into the irony of you mansplaining the sexist history of the word “babe” to a gal. My “response” was that you’re being unnecessarily inflammatory without being constructive. The post did not make me feel bad because I’m confident in my support of my community both local and global. I am in fact doing what my means allow for as many people as possible as I believe many of the people on this app are. Maybe these memes are a cry for help because you are actually self conscious of not having done more for your various communities and you now exist largely alone, both in person and in digital spaces. But that’s a whole different discussion for your therapist.

    Welcome to the library, you been read.

    Lmao Muted

  • Babe you’re seriously missing the point. I think the vast majority of people here are aware there’s a genocide happening. I’d say plenty have done their best to directly support those affected according to our means. The “stopping genocide” is happening in other places, and you’re invited, if you can look past the unnecessarily inflammatory memes.

    At a point this is barely a discussion of politics and social issues, and just your delivery being, to be frank, mid. You’re just posting stuff designed to make people feel bad for taking care of as many people as they can, both at home and the world over. We’re all on board, now let’s talk and organize and go DO, not repost weird backwards right wing talking points.

  • Seriously I’m not trying to start T, but I can’t help but feel there’s a disconnect in the memes you’re posting, and the takes you’re having in the comments. To me this meme, and others you have posted, seem to try to catch progressives, dems, leftists, whatever demographic, in this sort of gotcha that is the same gotcha that actual right wing actors are trying to use to push potential voters for Harris to vote third party or not at all. Does voting for Harris still make us complicit in genocide. Yeah, sure, probably, but putting Trump in office makes us all a whole lot more than complicit. I think we are in agreement. Genocide bad. Trump bad. Trump make genocide worse. Harris not great. But Harris better for US and probably for Palestine in the long term.

    Idk, maybe consider shifting your posting away from right wing “gotchas” to things that actually get people discussing the issues rather than trying to make them feel bad for feeling trapped in the two party system and maybe accidentally pushing them away from participating in the political process. Seems like it’s bringing heat your way from commenters, and honestly, the whole “I’m just being devils advocate because someone has to be” is just making you a blah person to interact with no matter how you plan to vote, who you support where, and which issues are deal breakers for you. Tbh we aren’t really in a position to be picky.