You just linked back to the article from the OP?
You just linked back to the article from the OP?
Not really. We all still recognize that a police officer murdering someone is fundamentally bad.
Just because people are glad that a violent, brainwashed magat died bleeding in the street doesn’t mean they think it’s okay that the system allowed for it.
Are you familiar with “even a broken clock is right once a day”?
You have a fundamental misunderstanding.
The philosophy behind ACAB is that the American police system and its proponents abuse the system and work to keep each other from facing consequences. “Good cops” may enter the force, but they don’t last long, because those who don’t play along and look the other way eventually get ousted, whereas those they tattled on get rehired at a different station.
The idea isn’t that literally all cops ever will always be bastards. It’s that (under the current system) all cops are bastards.
Did you just stop reading after the first sentence?
Yeah bro, because hating Trump means I want to gargle Biden’s balls. You’re a waste of time.
But, for the sake of others reading this:
Trump said that if hostages weren’t released, there would be hell to pay in the middle-east. In other words, he applied pressure to HAMAS- but not, you know, the genociders.
Additionally, if you click on the source noting Trump’s incoming envoy’s vague “involvement”, you will note that he had no direct involvement in the negotiations. 🤔
Edit: I take it back, tentatively. There was a second reference in the following sentence that elaborated on the Trump admin’s involvement. Interesting. Okay. So it seems that they did pressure Israel to agree to a ceasefire.
We’ll see how long that lasts, considering the last ceasefire lasted 6 days and all.
Acting like Trump is easing up the genocide is fucking delusional.
“Trump is the reason for the ceasefire!!”
Are you intellectually dishonest or just stupid? The ceasefire that has been being planned for months, with literally 0 involvement from Trump, because he literally had 0 authority until like a week ago? Holy fuck.
Lol I agree with the sentiment, but pornhub isn’t blocked by law. It has chosen to stop offering services in those areas because of the relevant laws.
This is affecting them, too. But it isn’t hard for them to acquire a vpn, so not really.
I guess it depends on how they identify themself. If they consider themselves cis, then they almost certainly are cis? So the trans label does not apply. If they don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, then they are not cis. Therefore they are trans. No?
I’m not sure that “casting a net” of any size matters. Sure, you can say that there is a spectrum or gradient of gender. But I don’t see how that changes anything. Being trans isn’t a gender. It means that you no longer identify with the gender you were assigned at birth.
Of course, there might be some social stigma associated with being trans that may encourage some people to be offended by this take? Like if you’re a non-binary person you might not really think of yourself as trans due to preconceived ideas and internalized transphobia. Of course I’m not going to go around calling someone trans if they don’t identify themselves as trans anyway, but in my mind I was more answering the question in an attempt to be inclusionary towards people who may want to claim the label but aren’t sure if they fit it.
I’d say anybody who is gender-nonconforming, non-binary, etc, is trans.
They may not always suffer from the same level of transphobia as MtFs or FtMs, but they are no longer identifying as the gender they were assigned at birth. That makes them trans, imo.
You ad hominem’d first lmao.
Different person
Is it authoritarian to say you shouldn’t drive without a license? Is it authoritarian to say you shouldn’t drink and drive?
“I don’t know how to read”
So drag somehow thinks that believing in nothing is easier than believing in proven fact?
Drag is saying that depressed people should “just believe” which is much crazier than saying depressed people should “just believe in evidence”.
People do not need to believe in what drag is saying without evidence, because that evidence exists, so they can just as easily believe in it WITH evidence.
No? I’m depressed, too.
Let me do the same stupid shit drag just did.
Is that your advice to depressed people who think life is hopeless? Belief in things without having real evidence?
My point is that drag came to the wrong conclusion.
Drag doesn’t have to explain depression to me.
If Drag understood the evidence, then it sounds like the conclusion Drag should come to is not to baselessly believe in things without evidence, but rather to make a better use of context to rid dragself of blindness caused by anecdotal evidence.
Well, the problem with this line of thinking is that we do have empirical evidence that depressed people DO get better by making a huge effort to get better.
Drag had anecdotal evidence, which is incredibly weak evidence.
Drag may have had baseless belief in something and it worked out, but my point is, the evidence WAS available to support that point.
It’s significantly different in America. I think doordash has different payment structures in Europe bcos of laws whereas, in most of America, drivers are paid next to nothing. It’s like tipping culture with American service workers, except way worse.
So like, inflated prices (set by the restaurant and optional, but often done to make up for doordash’s cut) + delivery fee (pocketed by doordash of course!) + ridiculous tip bcos now I gotta pay this driver’s livable wage.
Door dash really is an unsustainable business. It’s probably gonna tank in the next 5 years, I’d bet.