Well, you are assuming a lot of things I haven’t said there.
First of all, I said that in the AAA world, original games are rare. They exist, but they are rare. And there’s a reason: an AAA game is made by a company that has a stakeholders board deciding what has to be done and what not (which is the reason why people say BG3 is not an AAA game but an indie). Since those boards want their money and only that, they don’t care about innovation or anything else.
This doesn’t mean that AAA companies don’t make original games, it only means that they rarely experiment and tend to focus on already succesful formulas.
Second, I never said that AAA games are just “big games I don’t like”. As I said, sometimes they do good games. But seriously, how many times have you seen an AAA company take a serious risk in what they do?
Also, I don’t think it’s just the usual three. I think GTA is doing the same. What are they gonna do with 6? Just GTA V but bigger. That’s exactly what I mean when I say that they don’t innovate.
Oh well, I’ll keep “borrowing” my ebooks from other librarieZ.