Not sure I’m getting this right: is this John Roberts trying to backpedal on a vaguely related issue after he scotus-voted for the president’s immunity? A belated stirring of conscience?
Not sure I’m getting this right: is this John Roberts trying to backpedal on a vaguely related issue after he scotus-voted for the president’s immunity? A belated stirring of conscience?
A great speech. Full of well-deserved cynicism, yet factual. This is where we are now with the USA.
And in the same quote:
we have been doing exactly what President Trump wants for a long time
And I believe her.
So how did CH get on that list?
US trade delegate Jamieson Greer has called on American companies to report unfair trade practices by partner countries
So some businessperson with a grievance decides what gets onto some government list? Truly an oligarchy.
That said I’d like to know a bit more about the whole (yet another) international debacle.
Danke für den Artikel!
Die CxU schaut sich halt ganz genau von den rechtspopulistischen Nachbarn ab wie man “Politik macht”. Traurig, aber wahr.
Als selbst Teilzeitarbeitender kann ich nur allen Punkten voll und ganz zustimmen.
Bitte " irreeführend " korrigieren.
deleted by creator
Regarding those screenshots:
But then visitors immediately have to create an account with pportal .io to actually get at the newsletter/sign-up/etc.?
I had a quick look at your main page but it did not answer that question.
I understand that a web dev who wants to offer this has to open an account or get an api key of they want to use your service.
Also I could not find a link to the git repo.
edit: according to OP’s answer it is as I thought. Yet another company that collects data both on sites and their visitors. Another iteration of the good old Free model a lá Google.
edit2: my personal recommendation is still that people get themselves at least one extra email account with plus-addressing. From a trusted provider of course.
a big topic in Europe (outside of immigration rhetoric)
It is a big topic. And it’s all about immigration rhetoric.
Same in Germany.
If there’s no JavaScript, there’s no malicious scripts
But there is, tons of it! And I can’t see anything. The content is obscured without it. It’s not static html.
I’m happy to see that European leaders speak out in favour of something thought up by the Arab league. Let’s hope it’s gestures (and actions) like these that help de-escalate the global “West - Islamism” situation.
New use of crotch gremlins unlocked!
This is 100% what actually happened. Plus no oversight of course.
At this point a total collapse of the USA’s 2-party-system seems the best of all realistic alternatives.
Because the Dems getting their shit together in less than 4 years certainly isn’t realistic.
“Rogue state”
The meaning of Honeypot you refer to is a metaphor. It’s not wrong to use it in other ways.
No javascript over insecure connection! Archived versions all seem broken (or empty). Yeah, no, sorry.
There is nothing unique about the United States’ intelligence capabilities. It is possible to replace them
I love this statement. There might be some bluster in it, but they’ve made their choice (well it was made for them really) and are sticking with it & sticking it to Trump.
As a EU citizen I hope it has the doubtlessly desired effect on the EU to finally Get Its Shit Together.
According to this, for me it would be Ubuntu 10.04. It was my final step away from $PROPRIETARY_OS, way back when.
Or, you know, all of them.
Das sind gute Nachrichten.
Ich visioniere dass in hoffentlich naher Zukunft solche Vereine zu wahren europäische Alternativen wachsen.
Wenn man da genauer hinschaut gibt es schon so einiges: Suchmaschinen, mobile Betriebssysteme, git hosting…