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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: February 21st, 2024

  • There are plenty of “compromised antenna” options for you; there are loads of amateur operators who simply run their antenna around the largest room in their apartment and make long-range communications. It’s not optimal, but it works.

    There’s a whole movement in amateur radio right now which relies on being light and portable. A 15 meter carbon fiber mast, some wire, 12v and 100W and you can work the world from a park.

  • It’s been a while since I setup my system, but as I recall they are interconnected via the smart hub, and do not need internet at all. When I first configured our system, IOT was probably the topic of an exploratory whitepaper and not yet reliant on internet. But times have changed! Give it a bit more searching; we’ve been happy for quite a long time with the devices. They even have plugs which you can convert dumb devices to a smart HA device—but you’ll have to get them on eBay because they’ve been discontinued:/

  • I usually try to find myself on 20m. I like it’s DX-ability at night and appreciate it’s reach during the day. Otherwise 10m is nice because there’s lots of new hams ready to answer CQ calls, or calling CQ themselves.

    The person who answered my very first QSO made it extra special by sending me a first-contact certificate; went way above and beyond and I am incredibly thankful for it.