Haha. High five (10 times and then high three). 1971 babies unite! (…tomorrow).
Haha. High five (10 times and then high three). 1971 babies unite! (…tomorrow).
To be fair, no it isnt.
It’s black people.
No it isnt, but you see my point.
Its inconsiderate assholes, not old people. Inconsiderate assholes are all ages. For instance, you are an inconsiderate asshole.
Ok. Fine I get what you’re saying. I read the page from the university i work for, and also Harvards information. I didn’t read wikipedia.
Regardless, the exact same point can be made. Explain to me how this makes the term suitable in the context of this post.
My entire point is that a “neurodivergeant” person is not one kind of person. It’s many different kinds of people. It’s autistic people, it’s people with ADHD. It’s a broad term. I myself was thinking that of course antisocial personality disorder would be neurodivergeant and a reason to be perceived as an asshole. The post makes no sense because to answer it, you would have to evaluate every single kind of neurodivergeant person.
Everyone is neurodivergent. The term is often used to describe people on the autistic spectrum. I think that something along those lines is what you meant to say while you told me to educate myself.
The thing is, championing neurodiversity is good for those on the autistic spectrum, but that doesn’t mean that neurodiversity doesn’t include all the other ways in which no two brains are the same. There is no diagnostic criteria for being neurodivergent. Two neurodivergent people may share no common ground at all.
Bollocks. I’ve never lifted in my life. Bald for 25 years, and I’ve done alright for myself.
If it’s a disability you can diagnose prior to birth, no.
It’s because the phrase “neurodivergence” is an umbrella term. It’s all but useless in the context given. That’s a fact no matter how cool and breezy you are about people with disabilities.
I have an older brother with cerebral palsy - I know no other life than one that sympathizes with people with disabilities. I dedicated my life to helping children with disabilities. I have worked with children with cerebral palsy, autism, adhd, dyspraxia, downs syndrome, retts syndrome, ALS and many other conditions and brain injuries for a chunk of my life spanning over 20 years. I was treating them from before Ritalin was used to treat patients with ADHD (in England at least).
The term “neurodivergence” is not useful in the context it is used in here. Everyone is neurodivergent, and the terms popularity modern times has tweaked it to mean something else that is not clear. A social media “tag” used as an umbrella term is just that. It’s not a diagnosis or an excuse because it’s not one thing.
It is exactly like saying “i have fibromyalgia” - because that is also an umbrella term that leads to the question, “What does that mean in this context?”
The umbrella term “neurodivergence” includes both conditions that aren’t an excuse and are an excuse for behaving like an asshole. Anyone can claim they are neurodivergent because they are. Therefore some people will use the term as an excuse for behaving badly no matter what their quirks are.
There’s no source. It’s a personal anecdote. I’m not writing a scientific journal. From my perspective nobody talked about it until i was in my mid 40’s.
Okay everybody, im done with the proudest moment of my life now. Someone please wake him up.
Well where I’m from its just what it’s called. Most people would know what it is. I’m actually English and we call it A&E for Accident and Emergency, or Casualty. That’s what I would have called it if I still lived there because that’s what everyone there is used to. What you’re basically asking for is for me to translate for you. Well, like I said, I’m English and live in the states. You think everyone thinks to translate American english for me? Use google. Its pretty clear I’m don’t work in an erectile disfunction - unless that’s a euphemism for America.
Well no reason other than that’s what it’s called here. Most people where I live would know what I’m talking about. I can’t be responsible for all people who don’t understand me. Im going to use the language that is commonly used where I live aren’t I? It’s not a room it’s a department.
Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm lemmy welcome to FRAYED PICKLES whistles, whoops, cheers, applause
Emergency Department. Its a Level One Trauma center, so down time is not predictable.
Its probably just what everyone’s used to. I work in an ED. Fuck anyone who always turns up late. What does 10 minutes matter? It matters a lot actually. This is shift work. The work is never “done”.
Just cut to the chase and invade Poland already you giant twat.
Me too, except I think it’s been about a year now and the box slid off the back of my desk.