This is what I did as well. I also had to get some flavored water i found I liked the taste of and it helped to have a variety.
This is what I did as well. I also had to get some flavored water i found I liked the taste of and it helped to have a variety.
Carbonated water helps
I wonder why a nazi would want to do that?
Ahh the important things that will improve all American lives
Truly the important issues
Fextra life just put a video out about it too
Oh I’m sure that will show em. You get em champ.
This rings to me but not really the Fear. I don’t really know what it is I feel but it’s not fear, or just fear alone.
It’s complex and can’t really form the words.
It’s so hard for me not to blurt out suggestions to help.
I feel genuinely awful when I cant help someone.
Or if I am walking some where and someone was asking for something or I see someone needs help I also start feeling heavy to where it is hard for me to move past someone.
I pass homeless people on the road while I’m in traffic and just feel terrible because I have nothing to offer them.
Or with my work if I can’t solve an issue it affects me greatly.
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Money and purchasing the right people.
What CPU do you have?
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Who cares about this dinosaur, like anyone is surprised?
Can’t have those uppity women voting can we?
Haven’t watched him in forever. Has he reached full money grab?
Being rich also doesn’t hurt