I did read it. So would it be bigoted to say “that’s gay”? Would it depend on context and how you mean it?
Just saying, why do we let assholes ruin words for us? What happens when MAGA co-opts “disability” to be bigoted? We will find a different word?
Please don’t use that word.
I guess we could use “Muskiness” as a special term because anything else is an insult to idiots, fools, mafiosos, and mentally disabled.
Are you saying that because you truly believe Musk has intellectual disability? Or you are joking that he does?
I’m saying it because it’s a bigoted word that people shouldn’t use. Did you read the link? It explains it quite well.
I did read it. So would it be bigoted to say “that’s gay”? Would it depend on context and how you mean it? Just saying, why do we let assholes ruin words for us? What happens when MAGA co-opts “disability” to be bigoted? We will find a different word?
Sorry… you don’t know that using “gay” as a pejorative is bigoted? And don’t you think maybe it isn’t worth hurting the disabled?