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The DNC is the only reason you’re not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.

  • Kalkaline
    3 个月前

    Acknowledged. We circled the wagons around the wrong candidate twice in a row. Hillary Clinton was a well qualified candidate with likeability issues. Biden is a long time politician with equally good if not better qualifications than Clinton, he’s just old. Bernie is older. Bernie aligns a hell of a lot closer to my beliefs than the other candidates out there. Bernie isn’t in this race and has endorsed Biden, he’s a wise man and usually is right on most topics. I’m going with Bernie on this one, vote Biden and start building the next generation of leaders, maybe that next leader is you.

      27 天前

      Both Hillary and Biden are closer to the country as a whole and more likely to pull moderates, who you need to win if you want to actually win a national election.

      The internet has allowed leftists to delude themselves into thinking the only people that need to be appealed to is them.

      They fundamentally do not understand the kinds of people that make up this country. I’d love if we were a left leaning population. We aren’t. Continually lying to ourselves about why Bernie didn’t win is a type of paralyzing ignorance that only looks more and more absurd as the years go on.